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Country:, Europe, UA

City: 34.1372 Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Ukraine

  • Sleepy Guy - It is a big relief to us

    We are new pool owners, and we used to use granule for the chlorine level control, which was so inconvenient (I had to add the granules twice every week). After we did research we found this 3" tab, it dissolves slowly, we bought two chlorine dispensers, and put 3 tabs in each one, and then we only need to check the chlorine level every other week, it is really a big relief to us. Also in the bucket the tabs are individually wrapped, so it can be kept for a quite long time. Highly recommended!

  • Kyle - Love

    I love Heart. Powerful voice and lyrics, strong emotion. Rocking out in the car to this is so much fun.

  • J. Beck - Viso Pro on a downward trend

    With each new release, Visio Pro gets worse and worse. Functions that used to work no longer do. The new ribbon interface is worthless eye candy - does anybody at Microsoft actually use this product?

  • J. Martin - Shipping too expensive

    While the price of the Relacore itself seemed fair, the $10 to ship two little plastic bottles of capsules to me is not. The seller enclosed a letter apologizing for the high cost of shipping, explaining that the price was set by Amazon. So, why does Amazon insist on overcharging for shipping? It's time to start looking for another (non-Amazon) source for the Relacore.

  • Treesh - Good movie fun

    Yea, the storyline is a little mediocre (and occasionally just plain ridiculous). I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty certain there as some major inaccuracies here. I kind of just don't care. This is a fun movie to watch. I love disaster movies and this one crams several large-scale natural disasters into one movie with awesome special effects. I don't watch movies like this to analyze their scientific merit. Even the story-line is kind of secondary for me in a disaster movie. 2012 gets 5 stars from me. 4-stars for all the stuff blowing up, falling down, and getting smashed into by tornados. 1-star for the addition of Woody Harrelson.

  • rw80227 - Very Disappointed

    Purchased this believing that it could actually convert blue-ray movies for viewing on my pc and handhelds. It won't play a blue-ray movie for starters, how pathetic to have blue-ray authoring software that won't play back it's own compilations. As far as getting audio to work right forget it, you have no control choosing audio tracks. The fit to disk indicator bar value changes after you start burning a disk, so you don't know if the project will really fit on a disk or not. I did find a DAPlayer for free on the web that plays blue-ray movies. If you have NO need for blue-ray support this software is ok, but ArcSoft is way better. I wasted my money on this and as far as technical support goes I have never gotten a response as of yet. Do more shopping before you decide to buy this software!