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  • D. Sherman - Finally the way to stop to an [...] of a neighbor!

    I have these neighbors across the street, a bunch of early twenties, yuppy, know-it-alls with no discernible source of income other than the frequent coming and goings of other punks. They like to let their dog run amok and poop on everyone's lawn. Well, I finally caught that dog in the act, went over, knocked on the door, handed the kid a bag and said you have some poop to pick up off my lawn. He proceeded to be very disrespectful. What he didn't know was that in my other hand I had my Liquid Ass! So, I shook it up, told him if he wanted to be an a-hole he might as well smell like one, sprayed him and ran like hell! He called the police on me, but when they saw what I sprayed him with they were laughing so hard (and begging me to tell them where I purchased it)they never even thought about arresting me, let alone a citation! This punk told the dispatcher I sprayed him with mace! Ha Ha Ha! That house has been as quiet as a graveyard for the past week. I think they have finally learned their lesson! Also, the rest of the neighborhood cannot thank me enough! Thank you Liquid Ass for giving me the pleasure of making that a-hole's day AND becoming the most popular woman in the neighborhood!

  • Laer Pearce - this is the best one. Easy to learn and does a great ...

    I have been trying to find a floor plan program that I could, one, operate with ease, to get ideas for a remodel for my home. After trying out 3 others, this is the best one. Easy to learn and does a great job! Thank you for making this program available to buy! Beth Pearce

  • E'liza - My Teeth Are White!!!

    I've been using this product off and on for years. I like the fact that it is stronger than many whitening gels and that you only need to leave it on an hour at a time.. I've had gels where I've had to have them in my mouth all night long. After a week of treatments (1 hr each day), my teeth are very white. I don't get sensitive teeth or gums from this product. Now I just use it once a week to maintain my pearly whites.

  • Christopher Taylor - Misrepresentation!

    I ordered this product from Grady's because it was slightly cheaper than the other listed sellers. Big mistake! The product arrived on time and appeared to be the product I ordered. However, I first noticed something was wrong when the top of the bottle was taped shut with a strip of packing tape. I found this odd, as every other bottle I've ordered has had standard packaging that fixes the top to the bottle on its own. Next, when I opened it to use on my dog it was green and thin in consistency. As any Adams Flea Shampoo user knows, Adams is bright blue (like the bottle) and thick in consistency. To make matters worse, whatever shampoo or chemical they filled the Adams bottle with, caused an allergic reaction on my dog's skin. 3 months later, we are still trying to get his skin and coat back to normal. He's lost lumps of hair and developed lesions all over his skin. I will never order from them again! I wouldn't even give them a star if I could.

  • Karen L. Jackson - Light Relief Infrared Pain Relief Device

    I have arthritis in my back and hips for years and now I'm getting it in my hands. I do a lot of decorative painting and crocheting so needless to say, it can be quite difficult when the pain hits. I used this product twice when the pain struck and got relief in about 1/2 hour. Believe me, I keep this thing handy. It's so simple to use and convenient by being so compact. Can't live without it now that I've found it.