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Country:, Europe, DE

City: 9.491 , Germany

  • E. Tom Jorgenson - Don't Use the Download Service

    I purchased the product for an instant download. This was the start of hours of trying to get the product downloaded and failing. The issue is that although the portion of the download works fine what it downloads is the downloader for the actual product, which comes from the manufacturer.

  • C. Pride - ... I think that under my eyes has always looked good for my age

    I am 45 and I think that under my eyes has always looked good for my age, but now, wow! What a notable difference. I love the way that this goes on smoothly. I put it on before I apply makeup and it looks amazing

  • Amazon shopper - Same Rid-X Here.

    The product IS the same rid-x you find on the store shelf. I tried it for the convenience of the automatic monthly shipping I've not forget to use the rid-x each month to treat my septic system. The cost would vary at times. My husband wasn't crazy about the subscription & how we were locked into the subscription price etc. The product at times would arrive w/a peel-off coupon that you would normally use at the store checkout. But for this program, it was useless. I have stopped the automatic shipments & go to Dollar General & purchase the generic rid-x by the case instead now at about $4-$8 cheaper per box, comparing the size of the product's packaging. Then I have it stored in my linen closet & try to remember the once a month treatment. It looks like the ingredients of the generic rid-x is comparable to this product.

  • kflynn - Cheaply made

    Very cheaply manufactured and causing all sorts of blisters. I would avoid and stick with a shoe that you can try on first.

  • Jay Ray - Typically buggy

    As has been the case with every Bluetooth headset I've bought over the last year and a half, it won't play well with my phones (Nexus 5 and Nexus 6p). Sometimes this model wont connect when I power up. I'll have to connect it manually in the phone's Bluetooth settings--which itself sometimes does not work. So I'll have to reboot the earbud, the phone or both, often more than once before a connection is made. Once connected, sometimes button presses don't do anything even if the phone is inches from my face. Sometimes it just up and disconnects. Its never just one thing with these.

  • Rod D. Sherwin - This really works, the earlier the better.

    This works. It is expensive but it works. Make absolutely certain that you follow the instructions, particularly the amount of product to use for each application. I would say there are about three applications per ounce.

  • R. Allen - Roxio must make money on something else.

    I have used Roxio Creator since it was packaged as a little program called MyDVD ver 5, under the Sonic banner. This program was the absolute bomb. Then, Sonic merged it's MyDVD with Roxio Creator and it has been downhill ever since. What a behemoth program called Creator. The renderings have gotten so cumbersome that even my 2.7 GHZ, 6GB RAM, 2GB video ram, all overclocked scream machine cannot handle. We are talking 6 hours for a 1.5 hour production that crashes at the very end of the render (Like literally takes up your machine for 6 hours then crashes). My experience over the years is each new version that comes out works for a while. Then, it starts blowing up. Stay away.