Review: - Domain and Website DNS Information Review - Get A, NS, AAAA, CNAME and MX records for Check host, class and ttl for buy-sildalis.

Country:, North America, US

City: -94.6449 Kansas, United States

  • JMS Urquico - It's really good book for a refresher course on the overall Human ...

    It's a really good book as a refresher course on the overall Human Resource job coverage. Hence the title "the essentials", great read for supervisory or any corporate managerial personnel as well.

  • Eugene - needs more RAM

    I've had the phone for one year. It was ok, but recently I updated the phone to Android 4.1.1 (I got the update from blu support) and since then the phone is running at max memory capacity, no RAM left for applications. I open an application and it just goes away, the operating system closes it. Blu support wants me to ship the phone to them to re install the original operating system and charges $25.

  • Louie - Found this on

    My husband has been collecting these Hess Trucks for a few years now. The Hess gas stations around here had run out of this one and he wasn't able to get one at Christmas. My grandson found them on Amazon and purchased one for him for an after Christmas present and now he is caught up on his collection.

  • ramman - Looks great, built great!

    Let's be honest - if you are doing this mod you are doing it for looks not for reception. Any tom, dick, or harry should understand that when you replace an antenna with one that is 1/10 as long you can anticipate 1/10 the signal reception.