

Castlebridge Associates | Data Protection, Information Governance, Information Quality - Get training and support for Data Privacy and Data Protection, Information Quality, or Information Governance strategies from Castlebridge Associates. Industry leading tutors, world class consultants.

  • About Castlebridge Associates | Castlebridge Associates - Castlebridge Associates is an outcome oriented company providing coaching, consulting, mentoring, and project management services to organisations struggling with Information Quality challenges, Data Governance difficulties, Data Protection Compliance issues, or organizations that are just finding it hard to hammer out their Information Strategy.
  • Privacy Policy | Castlebridge Associates - Privacy Policy Summary We don't share your data with anyone We capture personal data for the purposes of registering you for courses, providing you with premium content, and registering your expression of interest in our services We operate mailing lists that we communicate to at least once per quarter. We also have a CRM system This site uses cookies. To find out more about those cookies and what they are for visit our Cookies Information Page If you have any questions, you can contact our Data Protection team
  • Products and Services | Castlebridge Associates - Castlebridge's targeted consulting services work with your organization to identify your priorities and goals for information and design a framework and strategy to enable reaching those goals.  We plan and design the implementation of a data governance initiative to ensure that it becomes self-supporting and good data practices become business as usual. 
  • Advisory & Consulting Services | Castlebridge Associates - Find out how Castlebridge Associates can help your Information Quality, Data Privacy, or Information Governance initiatives succeed
  • Education & Training Services | Castlebridge Associates - Get your team upskilled in Information Governance, Data Protection, and Information Quality skills with Castlebridge
  • Awareness & Insights | Castlebridge Associates - Find out about Data Protection, Information Governance, and Information Quality Management training from Castlebridge Associates. Public and private training courses, on-site and on-line, groups and 1-to-1 coaching.
  • The Castlebridge Blog | Castlebridge Associates - Blog posts on Data Protection, Data Governance, and Information Quality topics from the Castlebridge Associates team.
  • News | Castlebridge Associates - Get the Castlebridge Associates take on news about Data Protection,Information Governance, or Information Quality, and updates about our own products and activities.
  • Our most requested slide of 2014-2015 | Castlebridge Associates - This post is a short one we have prepared ahead of Data Privacy Day. Our most requested slide in Data Protection presentations since 2014 has been our "One Slide Summary of the GDPR". It has been through a few iterations but still stands up to the task of explaining how the different elements of the GDPR interact. We've extended it to include our 11-box model for Information Governance and Information Quality to show how the requirements of the GDPR relate to key governance areas in the organisation. This graphic is made available to celebrate World Data Privacy Day under a Creative Commons Licence. Share-alike, attribute it, but please do not use for commercial purposes without our permission.  One slide summary of GPDR & Information Governance by Castlebridge Associates is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
  • IQ101 - Introduction to Information Quality | Castlebridge Associates - Join Information Quality expert Daragh O Brien for this course that teaches the fundamentals of Information Quality management as a strategic business function.
  • Implementing Health Identifiers: A Strategic Information Governance Perspective (3rd edition) | Castlebridge Associates - Castlebridge Associates report on the Health Information & Quality Authority's standards for the implementation of Health Identifiers from an Information Governance perspective. €70 ex VAT
  • MDMDG 2016 | Castlebridge Associates - Daragh O Brien and Katherine O'Keefe are both presenting at this leading and influential conference in London. Find out more about our sessions: Daragh - Applying Information Quality Principles to Regulatory Change – Getting Ready for the GDPR and Beyond
  • Training Course Catalogue | Castlebridge Associates - 2015 - 2016 Training Catalogue This catalouge contains the training descriptors of courses currently offered by Castlebridge Associates. Our PDF catalogue is updated every month with new courses or amendments to existing course outlines, but this online version allows you to search course outlines on the website as well.
  • Client Case Studies | Castlebridge Associates - Castlebridge Associates operates under strict non-disclosure agreements with our clients.  These case studies have been developed from client reference cases but have been edited and/or amalgamated to preserve client confidentiality. They are presented as indications of the types of engagement Castlebridge Associates has undertaken for clients in the past.
  • The difference between Information and Data | Castlebridge Associates - Back in February my brother asked us to take a look at some data for his Resident's Association. The data related to AirBnB listings in Dublin city centre. We don't do a lot of pro-bono work, but I'd forgotten to get him a Christmas present or a birthday present and was feeling guilty so I agreed to look at the data. First of all, it was just data. A comma separated variable file with a munge of text and numeric data. Scrolling and filtering would provide some answers, but they wouldn't spark a discussion. In my experience this is a common complaint. To paraphrase the Ancient Mariner - "Data, Data, Everywhere...." What we did didn't take very long. But it does highlight the importance of information-centric thinking rather than technology or tool driven thinking when it comes to data and analysis. It also highlights the need to think about how information will be presented. Handing someone a spreadsheet of data may not result in actionable insight or intelligence.
  • Privacy Shield or Fig Leaf? | Castlebridge Associates - A deal has now been done on Safe Harbo(u)r - EU/US Privacy Shield. Below we summarise some of the key points from the press conference and give some initial analysis. Note that there is no agreed text of the agreement available, and no detail on any enabling instruments. In many respects this should be seen as a holding position pending the final final actual agreement. On the question of Mass Surveillance US has provided letters from the Office of Director of National Intelligence confirming they do not conduct indiscriminate mass surveillance. US Government has conducted reform of mass surveillance practices and legislation. Under the new arrangement a Special Ombudsperson will be created in State Dept to follow up on queries from EU Data Protection Authorities regarding surveillance activities. There will be Redress mechanisms for EU citizens (we assume via the Judicial Redress Act in the US - but that has had amendemnts added that may weaken its effectiveness in this context). The operation of this governance structure and the enforceability of the letters are a precondition of the adequacy agreeement. This appears to introduce potentially significant increase in transparency and safe guards for EU citizens. The EU Commission makes it a precondition of the adequacy agreement that the undertakings given in this context are upheld. However, it remains to be seen how independent or effective this ombudsman will be and what "teeth" they will have. However, the hesitancy of the EU Commission to pull the plug on the old Safe Harbo(u)r itself until the CJEU did it for them raises a question of how effective or dissuasive that precondition would be in practice - would the Commission ever pull the plug on Privacy Shield if it was not getting answers, and what legal weight should be attached to "letters of comfort" ? The European Parliament was unimpressed and many remain unconvinced.

    Country:, Europe, IE

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