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Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • Coral Lemley - buyer beware|||||||||

    Luminess offers a 30 day trial offer if ordered from TV of course you are charged a non-refundable fee of $30.00. Here the problem you don't know of you are getting a used machine they don't disclose that. These machines are extremely high priced and work off of the same idea as a small compressor you buy to air up your car tires and plugs into your cigarette lighter. they cost $30.00. So when you get your "new " machine someone could have already used it for 30 days. You have no clue what they have done to it. Luminess just cleans it up and sends it out to the next sucker. Look at their return policy closely-very strict. So you don't follow instructions exactly right down to the size that the return authorization numbers should be on the front of the box they won't

  • Stephen Clark - THE GOOD GUY WINS

    I have read a lot of good books, this one just might be the best. It is 1:10 A.M because I could not stop reading until I finished this book. Scott Pratt is the best. I cannot wait to read all of his books.

  • Jennifer Rae - Maybe Too Soon to Tell for Rodents, but does NOT work to repel insects.

    I've had this plugged into the garage for about two weeks now, and honestly, I don't see much of a difference so far. That said, a few months ago we had a few noticeable pests (i.e. rodents) in the garage, and got rid of them at the I guess I can say that it definitely hasn't attracted any additional pests, I'm just not sure it has had anything to do with repelling them. As for insects, this doesn't work at all, just as many flies and mosquitoes as ever. If I see a noticeable difference in the future, I will update this review, but as for now, I'm not impressed. I received this item at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest opinion.