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  • Luc LeGuiverne - Does not play well with Sprint !

    I must say this first; this phone does not play nice with Sprint. It continuously goes through this activation loop with Sprint. It activates (Hands Free Activation), restarts, then activates again in a continuous loop. I don't know if it's on Sprint's end, or if its their UICC SIM card. I'm not even sure if it's the phone itself because it's doing the same thing on the replacement phone that Amazon sent to me.

  • Brian Gilhooly - Big, quality mouse pad for everyday tasks or video gaming

    This is a great mouse pad for desktop users or people with laptops mostly used on a desk. This is a very big mouse pad so it may not be for everyone. In addition to it being big, it is what I would describe as "floppy." It won't be very steady if you're trying to use it on a couch or another perfectly non-flat surface. That being said, I love this mouse pad and it fits my needs perfectly. I use my laptop almost exclusively on my desk (and when I'm not using it on the desk, I don't really need the mouse anyway) so this pad keeps its form well. I use it for everyday tasks as well as playing video games (for which it was designed).

  • Aaron H. - Decent laptop for web browsing, cheap quality build.

    The laptop is solid and works well to meet my needs, however it does not have a light indicator on the numlock key (nor any screen indication that the button has been pressed). Additionally, the TouchPad is fairly inconsistent and frequently does not register movements or clicks.

  • Jewels - Zapped yeast infection in mouth.

    I've struggled with yeast infections off and on for years. Last August I got one from taking an antibiotic and it never went away despite many 'pink pills' from my doctor. Then about a month ago I had to go on another antibiotic for a severe sinus infection. As a result my yeast infection became unbearable and I got a yeast infection in my mouth. That was it for me. I started researching. I already took acidophilus and had been for years. I didn't see cutting out sugar completely as an option (my husband's deployed to Iraq, this is not a good time to give up comfort food!). Then I stumbled across a website listing all the symptoms of candida. I felt like someone had been taking note of all of my complaints for the last 15 years! Then I found a mention of Threelac. After much research on Threelac and reading all of the reviews I decided to give it a try. I especially liked the review that said they didn't change their diet at all! After taking Threelac for about 9-10 days the infection in my mouth was completely gone! I'm almost done with the first box and am ordering my second. The yeast infection is slowly getting better, but I've had it for so long it's not suprising it's taking longer. And I'm starting to notice other things. I don't wake up in need of a neck and shoulder massage and my morning headaches are much better. I'm not feeling as fuzzy headed and I'm starting to have more energy. I started off taking one per day, then after a couple days moved up to two, then after another couple days moved up to three. But after a couple days of taking three a day I became SUPER constipated. So I moved back down to two and I am doing really well on two. It's a slow improvement but I figure this is to be expected considering I've had these symptoms for 15 or more years and I'm still eating brownies!!

  • Don T. - So far so good!

    So far so good! The lights are very nice. Now, for me, it's a question of longevity. I have not owned these long enough to make a fully informed opinion.

  • Scout - Amazon prime will not load on any new Bravias!

    Amazon video does not load unless the tv is restarted over and over. Amazon tech support blames Sony. Sony says there's nothing they can do about it. See help thread. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/ref=pe_1786770_135346380_cs_hc_g_notf_footer_disc?ie=UTF8&forumID=Fx1SKFFP8U1B6N5&cdThread=TxG52ZUH8RHR70