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  • Jared B - Worth every Benjamin!

    I wasn't sure about purchasing this prototype space tether, but once I learned the diamonds were crafted by compressing Napoleon's skull at the center of the Earth, it took all the willpower I could muster not to dive into my McDuck vault to pay for it. After another couple days of basejumping off monuments with my other rich friends, Murdoch and Branson were able to talk me into buying it. It did seem a little spendy, but I figured I could just skip that 11th coat of gold leafing on my swimming pool. I'm so glad I picked it up, though, because not only does it send those 1s and 0s to my 110" 4k HDTV better than a standard cable made of inferior copper, but it was also coated in dinosaur blood recovered from amber resin to give it that brilliant pretentious sheen. Some might claim that a cable is a cable when dealing with a digital signal, and that a $2 generic cable handles digital signals exactly as well as these more expensive competitors, but to that I say this... can one really put a price on narcissism? I learned that yes; one in fact can, and I'm a better person (than you) for it.

  • W. Campbell - Disk does not work

    Disk does not work. Didn't have a chance to try it at first but when we tried in our new Wii U it would not play. To make sure it was not the console unit we tested other Wii U disks as well as old regular Wii disks; they worked fine. Now we're a few days beyond the return policy and stuck with a dud disk. Very disappointed.

  • Rebecca - Great videa camera

    Takes great quality movies and still shots. Great quality playing from the camera on HD TV. Seems to work pretty well in low light, contrast to some of the other reviews I've read. Still haven't used all of the features, but so far so good.

  • Matt Rosen - I really like this mouse

    I really like this mouse, first of all it is really sleek. Black with blue lights looks great all the time. It is smooth and responsive as well. I have been using for about a week without any issues and i use it on a big mousepad/deskpad thing. the dongle was in great condition when i revieved it an there is nothing wrong with any of the packaging or hardware.

  • thunder2132 - Great picture, great aesthetics

    Great picture, great aesthetics, and fantastic price. The only thing that would make it slightly better would be if it had speakers, even small ones. For now I'm making due with a bluetooth speaker to keep the wire count down. Overall, I would definitely purchase again.