
Home - Premier Septic Systems - Septic Tanks - Aerobic Treatment Plant. Sewer in Texas. Featuring Norweco's Singulair Bio-Kinetic Wastewater Treatment System.

Country:, North America, US

City: -96.4729 Texas, United States

  • Just2People - Plenty of outlets and USB power to boot!

    Excellent value for the money. Replaced an aging APC ups. It was almost the same price as buying replacement batteries for my 10 year old APC.

  • Vegan Vixen - A year after purchasing a condominium apartment with new laminate ...

    A year after purchasing a condominium apartment with new laminate floors, I used Holloway House Quick Shine on some areas of this flooring. An ugly white film appeared on the areas where I used Quick Shine. I spent scores of hours scrubbing with a mop and on my hands and knees to try to get this film off, to no avail. I called Holloway House and got an unhelpful customer service rep. The next day, I called back and got a helpful rep, Sally Osborne, who kindly mailed me a bottle of Holloway House's Deep Cleaner. This product is supposed to be able to lift off the Quick Shine that earlier had been applied. I spent many hours with the Deep Cleaner, trying to lift off that milky white film, with limited success. Ultimately, I'm going to have to replace this flooring, which is a shame because the flooring is new and replacing it will cost many thousands of dollars and be extremely inconvenient.

  • KeepItGreen - Great Device, One Year Review

    So i ordered this solar charger a year ago, i spend much time outdoors and away from convient electrical sources. I have an android smart phone that goes everywhere i go. Taken this back packing, rigged to my pack so that it could charge my phone while i walked. Worked phenomenol. I take it when i and friends go swimming. Works great. I take it tent camping with friends and this thing has charged about 2 and a 1/2 android smart phones in the course of a day, with direct sun. Even on slightly overcast days i can usually coax a charge outta this. With the guide ten pack, on the days i dont have sun or when it is to cloudy to get a full charge, my guide ten pack picks up the slack easily charging my smart phone. I would purchase smothering one, and all my friends who see/use this are impressed. True you have to follow the sun a bit and on overcast days it can take awhile to charge, but its a reliable and free source of energy for your phone in the outdoors.