Review: - This is a Value Report about, Giving it a value upwards of $45 USD by our system, Comprehensive reference data Include:Alexa Rank, Google Rank, Search Engine and Social Media.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4512 Virginia, United States

  • ms magoo - This book was not what I was thinking it would ...

    This book was not what I was thinking it would be. I wanted more of a story, suspense, thriller - sci-fi but very possible. Couldn't get into the book.

  • Amazon Customer - Has worked to make me feel better

    I have been taking this for about a week and can't comment on the weight loss benefits, however, I had chronic, horrendous, bloating in my stomach every day and it made it hard to breathe and I felt full and disgusting all the time. After just a few days I have noticed a huge difference with the bloating. When I lie down, my stomache isn't poked out anymore, so it is doing something and I do feel better. I don't feel speedy due to the caffeine, but I am a coffee drinker, so maybe I am used to it.

  • L. Gibbons - Loving our Furbo!

    We love the Furbo! W be had ours since July 2016. The setup was a breeze. I found the app for my iPhone, set the Furbo on the counter and had it setup within 5 minutes. The picture clarity is awesome and I haven't had any connectivity issues. My dog hears the alert noise that a treat is coming out and he comes running. He was conditioned to respond to the noise within a few tries. It doesn't have to be set on the floor. At first I had it on a kitchen counter, and pulled it closer to the edge before I left. Even if I forgot, it still worked fine, I could just see some of the counter in the camera. Now it's on our mantle and blends nicely with ou decor and I can see the whole living room from the camera. No complaints here, I'm thrilled with my purchase! And it's a great conversation piece when friends are over.

  • SDeRoller - Best product ever

    I have been testing this for a couple weeks. Let me tell you. It has changed my life. I have always been ashamed of showing my feet do to a health issue cause sever cracked skin. This product has changed my life. I absolutely love it. So easy to use. Its amazing.

  • Marty - Very Good but QC Improvements Needed

    I received the product and was very pleased with the overall set. Very good value and nice looking bag and clubs. Two of the clubs, the putter and the 5-hybrid had slight defects (marr on the putter striking surface and small dents on the edge of the 5-hybrid).

  • callmethebreeze - We sanded and pressure-washed the deck using the Home Depot recommended detergent. I put two coats on (about $350 ...

    This product does not live up to expectations. With a contractor, I painstakingly followed the directions and recommendations from Home Depot. We sanded and pressure-washed the deck using the Home Depot recommended detergent. I put two coats on (about $350 worth). It looked great for about 2 months. Then the cracking started to appear during the winter and now runs the entire length of the deck (60 feet). The Rustoleum people have been no help at all. Stay away from this product.

  • Brittany - Unless you are already familiar with it, It was not easy to navigate and learn

    I would have liked something more adaptable to my needs. The reports are often hard to adjust, find, and never quite what I am looking for it to do. It keeps up with my check book and balances nicely and the workers payroll information. It does seem to over complicate deleting something or changing anything that might have been entered as a mistake or just needs changing. I have had it a year and wish I could find something more user friendly and not something that I feel like I should have took the class for before buying.