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  • Amazon Customer - The gloves were what I ordered, arrived when expected ...

    The gloves were what I ordered, arrived when expected - the color was a little off from what I was expecting - more of a peach than a light pink but my girl loves them just the same.

  • Baba T - Works great BUT

    After several bottles used, I became allergic to it around my eye area. My Ophthalomologist prescribed some expensive ointment and the redness and,behold, the original puffiness went away! This's stuff can go bad quickly and gets grainy and turns white on application. Be careful who you buy it through.

  • Walt S. Giebeig - Great gloves. Run small so ordered next size up ...

    Great gloves. Run small so ordered next size up and fits great. Just wore them for the first time on a mtb trip to Moab UT and all over Colorado and did not have any complaints about the gloves.