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  • G. Book - What happened??

    I had Quicken 2011 installed, and then I downloaded this and installed it. After the installation... errors... and they're not useful errors. Blank error dialogs. Then the program won't open, it just hangs. It says its loaded my file, but it just displays a blank screen. I like the program, but its kind of useless if it doesn't work. Since I purchased this as a download, I imagine I can't get a refund and go back to using Quicken 2011.

  • David Roark - Great book!

    Great book and easy to follow. Made it easy to pass my Technicians class test the first time around.

  • Chris - Original Biltong.

    First, I had never tried Biltong before so it was a new experience for me. I found it to be much more tender than jerky. The flavor profile was a bit different than I was expecting, but was quite enjoyable. Do not however, forget to notice that it must be refrigerated after opening, unlike jerky.

  • Drew D Hofler - Great case...minor annoyance

    Great case for the iPad Pro and the pencil holder is why o bought it. Very convenient, holds the pencil so it doesn't get lost. Cover is nice and thin too. Only downside is that when held normally with the home button on the bottom, and the opening hinge on the left, the pencil holder is on the right (as it should be) but the tip of the pencil is at the TOP. Which means that you have to pencil over every time you put it away or take it out. A minor annoyance, but one you would think would have been thought about in design. Other than that, I love it.

  • DANI - Dear Lucy and Desi

    Great story with a lot of info and love. You can see that even though there was a lot of fighting, there was a lot of love. She was for him, but he screwed it up. That's what men usually do.... they are kids at heart.

  • MacMom - Great curl defining creme.

    The only curl defining creme that works for me. Some say it's too greasy but it was just right for my hair.

  • Wisdom777 - SO GOOD ITS SCARY!!!!

    Sometimes I worry about how potent this stuff is... Seriously. I was raised using this down in Louisiana where insects permeate everything because of the moist ground, heat and constant humidity. Forget roaches - they are a piece of cake. I've seen this stuff kill EVERYTHING I've ever sprayed with it. Just a short testimony of its awesome power: My wife and I moved to Arkansas to be a part of a ministry and had to live in a temporary mobile home until our house was prepared. The mobile home hadn't been lived in for 3 or 4 years and it was in the middle of the woods. We got there and the place had literally become the home of probably thousands of spiders, roaches, ants, crickets, everything you can think of. There was even a large wooden porch that was COVERED with "daddy-long-legs" spiders (probably 200 or more). Before we ever went inside, I got back in my truck and drove to the nearest store and bought 3 cans of Bengal. I went in and felt like I was in a horror movie it was so bad. I used all 3 cans between the inside and the porch. The next day.......NOT AN INSECT WAS ALIVE. Even outside on the porch, I had to blow it off with my blower because there were hundreds of dead spiders everywhere. We hired a cleaning service to come in and clean out the inside and never saw another bug again in that place. Granted we only lived there 2 months b/c it was temporary but still quite a testimony in my opinion.