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  • Lacee - I've been on Amberen for 9 days, & as of now I'm giving it 5 stars!

    I have to admit that I am pretty happy with Amberen. Today is the 9th day & so far I have lost 6 pounds. My nails seem to be stronger & my hair is shinier. I am 43 years old, and I had a partial hysterectomy 10 years ago. I have also noticed my night sweats are not as bad. Now, with all that said... I do have a negative thing to say form me. My libido feels like it is going crazy. You say negative? Well, I am divorced, & I do not sleep around... So, that is a downside for me right now. However, if I was still married... We would both be in heaven!

  • sockhunter8 - Good for Reference, Not Learning

    This is not a book you want to read front to back. I read the first 5 chapters and was often confused because the author jumps around. There a lot of filler about basic functions like copy and paste. Some times it repeats content. It does not have fundamentals in the beginning for some of the topics so it seems out of order. On a positive note it does cover a wide range of topics. It makes a better reference book than textbook or guide.

  • The1andOnly - Oh look, another remaster

    Battlefield 1 came out on the PC or something a long time ago because I remember playing battlefield 2 way, WAY back in the da.

  • ChanceD - Great product and fantastic cutomer Support!

    Takes some getting used to. I was drinking salt water the first 3 or 4 times is why I don't feel up to 5 stars. The resolution recommended by Navage is to relax, but that actually works! This company really cares about the customers and will work to resolve any issues you may have. Thanks!

  • Kelly - ... it as much as I should but it is fun. My husband

    Don't use it as much as I should but it is fun. My husband, who is in Army physical shape, has a hard time doing this for long periods of time. But me who had a baby by c-section 8 months ago, i still experience pain now and then, I can dance for a hour or so. Fun songs, moves and I really like the work out feature. It allows you to play any song from the list while timing you. The dance moves are different in the sweat mode but still really fun.

  • L. Cobb - This printer is amazing. Setup was not difficult

    This printer is amazing. Setup was not difficult, my husband was able to do it without any fuss or muss. The instructions were simple and straightforward, and the even getting the ink into it was not as hard as we feared, and that was probably the most difficult part of the process. It is a medium sized printer, not as big as I was thinking it was. Fits under my desk easily and comfortably. Instead of the traditional ink cartridges, it comes with ink bottles, which is cheaper and holds more. The printing jobs on this printer is lightning-fast, I had hardly sent the job when it was finished printing. Print quality is excellent - clear and no blurriness or smearing. LCD display is a little small, however it is clear and easy to use. Installing the software is easy and fast, had no problems on that end. Overall, we are happy with this and it will definitely be getting some mileage in the years to come as the kids get older and use more and more for school. Makes running our home office a breeze! Thanks, Epson!