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  • Dave Koch - Great Resource for Professionals

    This should be manadatory reading for rookie as well as veteran financial planners. The author lays out the often confusing "world" of Social Serurity in an understandable and entertaining fashion. The book's title says it all.

  • Adam - Pretty Awful!

    This cheese is pretty nasty. I didn't pay 92 dollars for it though I saw it at the store and figured what the heck I'd give it a try. Later I was rummaging for a snack when I spied my recent purchase. I grabbed a slice and ate it and immediately spit it out. Its pretty awful stuff, tastes like crap. The only redeeming side is its not too bad if you melt it on a sandwich.

  • Emely Anne Vega - A weekend Camping with old friends could have derailed the ...

    A weekend Camping with old friends could have derailed the prospect of a promotion. Thanks Zydot for saving my Quister!

  • K. Ray - Best bra ever.

    I hate bras, I picked this one up originally because I was at the store, I needed new bras (had been putting off shopping for them), and I very rarely see wire-free bras in actual stores. Now I'm ordering as many as I can. This bra is sturdy, with thick elastic (especially in the straps). The cups are some fabric which is smooth on the outside and super soft (slightly fuzzy) on the insides, there is no padding in the cups except for the thickness of the fabric, but it does an OK job of providing modesty under a shirt. The rest of the bra is a thinner, almost mesh-like material--slightly artificial feeling, but soft and strong, comfortable next to the skin, and helps with sweating. The cut supports (a medium/C cup) without squeezing or giving you a "uniboob" look like a sports bra. The three-hook closure in the back feels kind of wide at first but you get used to it.

  • Raydar - Bring them back!!!

    I wish I could buy every single one of this style in every color, but looks like they no longer make them. I already have 6 different colors but would be willing to buy more.

  • A Bradford - An Organic Fertilizer That Also Keeps The Bunnies From Eating My Garden Flowers.

    While it's a wonderful Organic Nitrogen Fertalizer, I use this product to keep the bunnies from eating my garden flowers. They hate the smell. I even used it to protect my winter bulbs by spreading the fertilizer over the soil. I highly recommend this product as a fertilizer and a deterrent to bunnies eating my flowers.

  • Cory Kinne - Not a fan

    I think I could stomach an unsweetened plant-based protein powder, but the artificial sugar taste in this powder makes this absolutely unbearable. I am really disappointed and I wish I could get my money back.