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  • K. Koehler - Fit i my printer perfectly

    I with toner was not so expensive but my company quit paying for ink. They said we dont need our own printers but I dont care. I will pay if I have to, to keep a printer on my desk. These worked perfectly and I know I will be back to buy mroe soon.

  • J. Rambo - Decent tablet for the price

    We bought two of these for the kids over Christmas. I will agree with some of the points about the lack of sensitivity on the screen. We found you have to calibrate the screen and if you use the stylus, it works pretty well. It does a good job with Playon, watching movies, Netflix, most games we've tried (the ones that didn't work well may have been defective games -- Google Play is the Wild West sometimes...). It doesn't hold a super long charge, but you can expect at least an hour or two. I didn't like having only one camera, but for the price, I can't complain. We also were able to get Skype working between the two tablets.