Review: - This is a Value Report about, Giving it a value upwards of $1214 USD by our system, Comprehensive reference data Include:Alexa Rank, Google Rank, Search Engine and Social Media.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4512 Virginia, United States

  • melliems2 - I LOVE this blender

    I LOVE this blender!!! I have gone through so many personal blenders and this is by far the best I've found yet! It blends frozen fruit like it's butter!

  • Laura K. Cocalas - Great product and even better price through Amazon!

    I started a new business in July 2012 and went to my local Best Buy to purchase this particular QuickBooks because it has the payroll feature. As I was standing in a long line, (detest long lines but in this case it paid off), when a gentleman a couple places behind me whispered; "You know Miss, you can purchase that much cheaper through Amazon." I've shopped Amazon for a long time but being a new business, (or otherwise), every penny counts; "I need this NOW!" "Well", he recommended, "Ask BB to match the Amazon price!" As I stood with the cashier I did as he recommended but the cashier had to call her manager. I knew I was holding up the line which made me & I imagine the people waiting uncomfortable, but the answer? There is no way we can match that price! Shocked, I told her I didn't want it, thanked the man and went directly home to see how much I would actually save by waiting? Over $110, shipping included! The savings was worth those few days I had to wait for shipping and the 15 minutes of standing in line. Great product!

  • TB1087 - Sunday Funday without the consequences!

    Wow, I woke up this morning feeling amazing. To be honest yesterday was football Sunday, I received this product and had already had a few cold ones. I decided to take it all the way and continued on my path down Sunday funday. As the night came to a close and the looming prospect of work the next morning drew closer and closer I began to be a little worried. Was I going to wake up intoxicated? Was my head going to be pounding from the previous day's drinking? I decided to give my sober a chance. Popped the recommended dosage and began to consume copious amounts of water (Something always do after drinking and before bed, typically with limited benefit) to my surprise when I woke this morning from my slumber I felt like a million bucks. The product really does work and it truly did do its job. I am definitely impressed and have already told friends about it. They now are looking to get some of their own. Great product, I would definetly check it out.!!

  • Feisty15 - Amazing

    Where to start , S.M. Shade will keep you on your toes, well written, HOT scenes, flowed well with Landon and Zoe's story...the one thing that gets me most is how there is always a lesson in the books that are believable and relatable, Landon and zoe was never give up on yourself, there's always a way, Dare and his woman, well its a beautiful journey learning to love, heal and most importantly LOVE yourself.