

Vaporizer info | Objective advice on vaporizers - Vaporizer-info is the premier destination for unbiased vaporizer reviews and price comparisons.

  • About | Vaporizer info - This website was started by a group of vaporizer enthusiasts from Amsterdam in June 2008. Our goal is to spread elaborate and honest information about vaporizing. We think it is important to point out that vaporizing is a cleaner, healthier and more effective alternative for smoking.
  • VapirRise Reviews, Specifications and Prices | Vaporizer info - The VapirRise is a dual-system (whip and bag) desktop vaporizer and is manufactured by Vapir. It was introduced to the market in May 2013.
  • Inhalater XP Reviews, Specifications and Prices | Vaporizer info - The Inhalater (INH004) is a marker shaped portable vaporizer that was first released in summer 2012. In December of that year, the Inhalater XP (Xtra Performance) was released, featuring both cosmetical and internal changes.
  • Herborizer Tube Reviews, Specifications and Prices | Vaporizer info - Check out Vaporizer-info for up-to-date information and trusted editor and user reviews of the Herborizer Tube vaporizer.
  • Volcano Digit Reviews, Specifications and Prices | Vaporizer info - Check out Vaporizer-info for information and trusted editor and user reviews of the universally acclaimed Volcano Digit vaporizer.
  • Volcano Classic Reviews, Specifications and Prices | Vaporizer info - Check out Vaporizer-info for information and trusted editor and user reviews of the universally acclaimed Volcano vaporizer.
  • Vaponic Reviews, Specifications and Prices | Vaporizer info - The Vaponic is a small portable vaporizer designed for use with a standard butane lighter as a heat source. It is the successor to the VapBong and features a number of upgrades that allow for increased efficiency and make it easier to use. Moreover, VapBong owners can upgrade their VapBong to a Vaponic by purchasing an upgrade kit.
  • Compare Vaporizers | Vaporizer info - Compare specifications and prices for all popular portable and electric vaporizers.
  • Compare shops | Vaporizer info - Read reviews and compare pricing, warranties, delivery and more for several popular online vaporizer stores.
  • Vaporizers | Vaporizer info - Vaporizer-info provides detailed information, reviews and experiences of all popular vaporizers.
  • What is a vaporizer? | Vaporizer info - A vaporizer is a device that heats up dried herbs to a temperature at which they release their active components into an aromatic vapor. In this process the herb is not scorched, burned or combusted, and thus no smoke is generated.
  • Medical applications | Vaporizer info - Using a vaporizer to quit smoking Tobacco smoke contains tars, toxic gasses and radioactive particles which pollute the lungs and harm other vital organs as well. Though the addiction to tobacco occurs due to its nicotine content, it's the other chemicals in smoke which are harmful to our health.
  • Why vaporize? | Vaporizer info - Once smoking has become a habit, vaporizing might not seem the most attractive way to administer herbs such as cannabis, wild dagga, blue lotus or damiana. Perhaps you can't picture yourself inhaling through a plastic tube or balloon, connected to some pricey electrical device. But, once tried it's hard to deny the benefits.

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  • Nicole - What a scam...

    This whole line is a joke. Any review with more than 1 star is OBVIOUSLY a person trying to sell this stuff ( hence the email addresses added to the end of the "great" reviews) i paid over $60 for 4 masks and it did absolutely NOTHING to my skin. DON'T waste your hard earned money on this garbage. Everyone is trying to make a buck off this crap and i somehow got roped into it. Ill stick to the SK-II masks they actually work!

  • ryan - Slush mats!

    Great product, I needed these things really bad, because of the crappy weather in Misery and not a moment to soon, it started snowing as soon as put them in!