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  • Revelation - I'm addicted.

    I'm addicted to this game. I really like that it is a co-op first person shooter. You can also do player-vs-player. And you're not at a huge disadvantage to those who play 24/7. They can't kill your character and steal all of your gear like in Division. This game has a great balance of a story-line, free-roam, and multiplayer. There is a lot of co-op type stuff, which is fun. Upgrading weapons and gear is a lot of fun, too.

  • Matt Shank - My granddaughter loved these. She stomped around the house for hours ...

    My granddaughter loved these. She stomped around the house for hours looking at the lights. She is so excited to wear them to school.

  • Gerard R. DeFranco - Good quality, reliable product with helpful instructions included.

    Perfect. The instructions have helpful tips on how to prepare the toner before installation and how to gain additional life if the toner appears to be running thin. The package has a picture of the product and a list of the printers it works with. All good signs of a thoughtful and well organized manufacturer/supplier. Makes very clean, high-density prints. Highly recommend this seller.

  • John W. Vaughan - Oil Pulling

    OIL Pulling by Dr Bruce Fife: is an amazing description of a 2000 year old oral health procedure. Fife says that all disease starts in the mouth, and he goes on to prove it as well as describes how a simple mouth clensng procedure usin a "food" oil will imptove your health in marvelous, unexpected ways .... I have bought 6 copies to loan out to friends, and friends of friends, who are amazed at how such a simple "washing" of the mouth with oil can cure tooth aches, genguvutis (sp). and what is unbelievable other body problems, seemingly far removed from the mouth...... Its worth every penny...... and YOU will be a hero. when you tell your friends aout it.