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Ask a Patient: Medicine Ratings and Health Care Opinions - Patient ratings and rankings of prescription drugs and side effects. Database includes FDA-approved pharmaceuticals. Includes consumer opinion polls, health care research assistance, advanced search, news, and articles.

  • http://www.askapatient.com/espanol/ Pregunte a un paciente: califique su medicamento | AskaPatient Español - Calificaciones y clasificaciones de los pacientes de fármacos y efectos secundarios de prescripciones médicamentos. La base de datos incluye fármacos aprobados por la FDA. Buscar por el nombre del mediacmento, motivo por el cual la toma, efectos secundarios, nivel de satisfacción, edad, tiempo que se ha venido tomando.
  • http://www.askapatient.com/advancedsearchform.asp Advanced Search Form | Drug Ratings Database at AskaPatient - Search by drug name, reason taken, side effects, satisfaction level, age, length of time taken. Results include drugs that meet your criteria, and the average satisfaction for drugs that meet your criteria.

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  • Amazon Customer - Great gear oil for the lower unit of my Mercury ...

    Great gear oil for the lower unit of my Mercury outboard. Extra protection for the gears and will save big on repairs in the long run.

  • R. Austin - This brush is AMAZING!

    Ok, I bought this upon reading the reviews. I was looking for a brush that did not streak and was currently using the ELF Ultimate Kubuki brush. I don't like the beauty blenders at all. When this arrived, it was larger than I expected and almost round. I gave it a go and this is a great brush!

  • dogmom in Calif. - worked for my dog, not for my husband.

    My husband began taking Serrapeptase for high cholesterol and angina. He took it twice a day for 4 months then reduced to once a day. It's been over a year and he continues to have angina. His last cholesterol test was high even with a regimented diet and appropriate supplements (no way I could stick to his diet, it's that bad).


    If it can make broccoli taste good, it will surely enhance the flavor of any vegetable. Simply microwave fresh veggies, spray a little buttery spray, and add the lemon herb seasoning. Voila! So good! In fact, it's the only way I can eat that stuff.