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  • http://www.heraonline.com.br/blog/ Blog Hera Medicamentos Especiais | Artigos sobre Medicamentos Especiais de última Geração para excelência em tratamentos de saúde no Brasil. - Artigos sobre Medicamentos Especiais de última Geração para excelência em tratamentos de saúde no Brasil.
  • http://www.heraonline.com.br/luveris-75ui-po-liofilizado-injetavel-caixa-com-1-frasco-e-diluente-009440.html LUVERIS 75ui PO LIOFILIZADO INJETÁVEL CAIXA COM 1 FRASC | heraonline.com.br - - alfalutropina - hormônio folículo estimulante (fsh) - estimulação folicular - insuficiência grave de lh e fsh - reproduçao humana - infertilidade
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    Country:, South America, BR

    City: -43.8988 Minas Gerais, Brazil


    I bought this for high blood pressure after reading other reviews commenting on its efficacy. A little bout me: I'm in my mid-thirties and I've had high blood pressure since I was 26. my doc has put me on several different high blood pressure meds over the years with no success. 150/90 was a good day for me. After I got my son, my BP went through the roof and stayed there. I was in the high 150's, sometimes 163. I ended up getting scared and decided to look into this. I had tried Metoprolol, Procardia, Furosemide and another one whose name I can't remember (something with Lo...)

  • Marvelously Made - Baby Acne - amazing results within 24 hours

    At 3 weeks old, my child broke out with a severe case of baby acne. I took the baby to the doctor, to be told to let it "run its course". I was concerned that the baby's face would scar because it was so red, dry, and irritated. I looked online for home remedies and tried a few different things (baking soda compress, coconut oil), but it didn't seem to get any better. As I was planning to find a dermatologist, a friend suggested I try this product. I used this along with the Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy and within 24 hours, my baby's face looked 100 times better. The redness subsided, the dry bumps were smoother and not discolored, and my baby's skin didn't feel callous. Within 48 hours, you could barely tell the acne was even there. People who'd seen him two days prior were amazed at how much better his skin looked. While my doctor insisted the breakout wasn't eczema, my baby's face responded SO well to this product (combined with the Baby Eczema Relief) that I am convinced it is the miracle combination for a baby's facial breakout. I hate that my baby looked so miserable for an entire week as I tried other ways to help heal his skin. If I'd only known about this combo, I would have saved time and money. I highly recommend this product and I'm so grateful that it worked QUICKLY to relieve my baby's random skin issue.