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  • Jackie - It's great for students that need a laptop for college

    Laptop is generally fast, light-weight, and has a long lasting battery life. It's great for students that need a laptop for college. I'm super satisfied with the price and quality.

  • Leonae Franklin - ... from GNC and I must say that it is awesome. It gives me energy and improves my mood ...

    I bought this product from GNC and I must say that it is awesome. It gives me energy and improves my mood like no other. I don't feel jittery, nor do I get the feeling to rip my face off. Ever since taking these I've been regular, but definitely not running back and forth to the bathroom. I think I may start taking it later in the day, or change the time I work out. I currently take them around 0630 and my energy lasts until about 1300-1400 and I normally work out at about 1500-1600, so I think I just need to take them a little later to see how it really helps my workout.

  • amin h gire - awsome

    this is the. est but it would.be more fun if we could.actually take the.people in the car but thais is an awesome gane

  • Steve - I will file a complaint with the state atty tomorrow

    These scum have disabled our 2007 Quickbooks Pro three user from even importing downloaded bank data. They call it sunseting the product so be AWARE that you are paying for a timebomb software ripoff.