www.ipharmachine.com Review:


Official Ipharmachine Pharma machinery Store - Ipharmachine Pharma machine Store buy Pill Press, Herbs Mill, Powder Blending Machine, Tablet Granulation, Capsule Polisher, Film Coating, Digital Scale, Pill Stamps and more.

  • http://www.ipharmachine.com/TDP-1-5-Parts TDP-1.5 Pill Press Machine Parts - TDP-1.5 Pill Press Machine Parts, lower punch die, Feeder, Motor, Flywheel, ect...
  • http://www.ipharmachine.com/TDP-5-Parts TDP-5 Pill Press Machine Parts - TDP-5 Pill Press Machine Parts, lower punch die, Feeder, Motor, Flywheel, ect...

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -117.7986 California, United States

  • Soul Lover - No Bull, this stuff is worth its weight in gold

    I have a 1991 Honda Crx that developed a small front seal leak at 235,000 miles. I really didn't want to break everything down to replace the seal, so I did give this stuff a try. I immediately ordered the AT-205 and dumped it into the engine. Within 30-45 minutes of idleing the leak was completely gone. I even placed a piece of cardboard beneath the vehicle overnight to make absolutely sure and there was not even one tiny spot of oil the next morning!

  • Hilda C. - Poor Images

    In general, the images are poor and not clear. It doesn't have wide range radius. I won't recommend this product. I'll return it.

  • Andrew Haas - really does need seats off the water a little. ...

    really does need seats off the water a little. When you sit in it with a lot of people you are under water a little to much.

  • Merlin - Not worth it, buy Aussie instead.

    Just like the Mane 'n Tail shampoo and conditioner of this same line, it's not worth the money. Also, I didn't receive the "bonus" as advertised. I just got the spray in conditioner. I threw it out with the garbage this morning. I wanted to try something different other than my usual Aussie 3 minute miracle leave in conditioner, but I'll be going back to that. I have fine hair, and this spray made my hair weighed down and staticky at the same time. Such a strange combination. No thanks. (I do steer you toward buying the Aussie 3 minute miracle spray, but be aware they changed their formula recently. Aloe is farther down on the ingredient list, but it still works way better than this stuff.)