www.pasiekapodkarpacka.pl Review:



WITAMY - Oferujemy naturalne miody pszczele z naszej pasieki prowadzonej w sposób tradycyjny. Bartnictwo to u nas tradycja rodzinna kultywowana od czterech pokoleń. Pszczoły pozyskują nektar z nieskażonych łąk i lasów Podkarpacia. Produkcja miodu i prowadzenie pasieki objęte są nadzorem weterynaryjnym Nr 18115608 zgodnie z projektem technologicznym.Posiadamy uprawnienia do sprzedaży bezpośredniej nieprzetworzonych produktów pszczelich Nr 175/2013 wydane przez Powiatowego Lekarza Weterynarii w Mielcu.

Country:, Europe, PL

City: 21.0362 , Poland

  • Jose l. Maldonado - very good

    I was very unsure about it in the begining, but as I hook up the system and began to tested it perform very well with the Microsoft Flight Sim

  • Leslie Gates - Manual doesn't cover current year of Quickbook

    I found some of the problems I had with Quick Book weren't fixed the same way the book said to handle them. I have Quick Book 2012 and this manual, I think, was written for earlier versions.

  • Geoman - Perfect fit

    The cross bars fit perfectly and are very easy to install. There are a lot of Youtube videos that show you how to put them on. The end pieces of the bars are somewhat loose to allow for easy installation I presume. I had to tighten the front cross bar to stop it from wobbling. They look very sturdy and make no noise whatsoever.

  • KatieEm - Not perfect but the most important functionality is there

    I felt like I was taking a chance when I bought this product because the description didn't answer my questions, nor did any of the 'I got this item for free' reviews, which were all that were available at the time I made my purchase. I consider that unideal, but I wasn't about to shell out an extra hundred and something bucks for another version of the same idea; and while I don't normally take the time to write a review, it means you get to read my version of what I wanted to know when I was deciding which sunrise alarm to purchase.

  • Adondo - A must have for every RV.

    Make loose loops to the pump inlet and outlet to isolate pump from the RV piping. Buy an accumulator tank for even better results and home like faucet flow.

  • David Cheuk - Doesn't recognize moves at all.

    To test out the sensor, I got nearly all "perfects" and "goods" when standing still in front of the camera. It's still a good game if you just want to dance and have fun, but it takes away the competitive edge, if you're looking to compete with other people.