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  • ChasL - Best of the lot for overview of sights

    I don't depend on this book for lodging and dining. In fact, I may avoid those places because they are filled with Rick Steves devotees. However, it is hard to beat his walking tours, sightseeing tips, museum walks and general tips. The writers really do their homework and present European and local history in a digestible format.

  • Sharpie - More Caffeine than 7 Cans of Coke! STAY AWAY!

    The reason this gives you energy is because it has more caffeine in the suggested 3 pills per day than 7 cans of Coke. Please take a multi vitamin instead of this mess that costs $35 for a months supply. You will get addicted to the caffeine and t can cause blood pressure issues. Please STAY AWAY from this product!

  • T. Roper - A history lesson too. . .

    Johnson weaves Sturgus rally history, (along with a tutorial on hill climbing) and his usual wry sense of humor into another well done story. A good solid read and fine addition to the Longmire and Wyoming story.

  • This Old Housewife - This was the first smart television I have had and I was amazed at ...

    I am not going to give you a technical review. I am a somewhat techy grandma, I could not do it justice. This was the first smart television I have had and I was amazed at how simple it was to set it up. I love the "smart" feature that takes away all the trouble of attaching extra items such as a Roku player and all the others. That is all built in now. It arrived in great shape. I am a 73 year old, 5' tall granny and I had no problems opening the carton and attaching the stand and lifting it up onto the table. Be sure and have all your different sign on id's and passwords written down and handy because you will need to enter them for your different apps to work. Apps such as, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and of course your wireless router.

  • Anna Abernathy - something we have tested that works out beautifully, leaving enough leg room for the passenger

    Just installed this RF for our newborn in our 2014 Ford Focus hatchback. Being a car seat tech and overall nerd, I knew from the beginning of my pregnancy that I would be buying a convertible with a high RF limit from the start. Installed using the seat belt, in the center seating position, and I can tell you that this seat does not budge at all, not even the allowed 1" at the belt path. The recline is set for a newborn, so it does take up a considerable amount of room, but because it is so narrow it fits between the center seats and we don't have to deviate from our regular, preferred recline and leg-room parameters. Once baby can sit up on his own and doesn't need such a massive recline, we will be moving the Fllo behind the passenger seat, something we have tested that works out beautifully, leaving enough leg room for the passenger, which is usually me. I am 5'9" and my husband is 6'1", for reference, and although our car is smaller, our set-up works great! We are using the infant thingy, and I feel great knowing that my son is as safe as can be in his Clek!