800casting.com Review:



800Casting - World Wide Talent :: Casting, Child Auditions, Modeling Jobs, Child Model, Fitness Model, talent agency, actor actress, acting schools, playboy model, woman model, star search,Castings - Child Audition, Modeling Jobs, Entertainment, model, teen model, preteen model, actress, Los Angeles, entertainment center, actor, Hollywood, male model

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.822 , United States

  • Clifford Collins - Great Cargo Liner

    This was exactly what I wanted, it works great and is a beautiful addition to my new Explorer, the shipping was quick and very professional.

  • Mike - Very pleasent smell, something I have never experienced.

    I have always heard about Frankincense and Mohr from the Bible days, but never have smelled it before. Very pleasant smell and I had no idea it was good for your skin.

  • A. Tizzle - I Am Female

    I am an attractive woman by beer-goggled standards. But because of my course mustache**, prominent mons pubis, and ample back fat, I don't often get approached by men (even when I premiered this shirt on a Friday night at the Denny's bar). After several unsuccessful weekends, I got wise to the ways of the manhunt. I Bedazzled the words "I AM FEMALE" on the back. You can't deny the allure of three wolves on the front and the unequivocally feminine rhinestone-studded message on back.


    I have purchase this program for years and this year there has been nothing but problems with the program. If you want to Efile your state return (NYS) it is unable to process. If you call H&R you get the run around and you are told to paper file. (In NYS it costs an additional $25 to paper file) It is H&R's problem in the program not NYS. Due to all the hassel of using this program and dealing with customer service this year I would not recomend it and I will not purchase it next year.

  • DAVS - Excelnte coche

    El cohe es super funcional, liviano y como para cualquier viaje. Buen material y facil de armar. el espacio que ocupa es poco, sin embargo la altura puede limitar el transporte, especialmente en los vehiculos pequeños.