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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Heath Johnson - Great game. Takes a long time to get a ...

    Great game. Takes a long time to get a game finished. There is also a fire and ice feature (that I don't understand) that would add another dimension to the game. Our seven and six year old have a lot of fun with this.

  • Diverkia - Authentic, Well-Produced, and Simply Loveable

    This is one of Lady Gaga's most well-produced albums. With producers and Grammy winning artists such as Mark Ronson, Florence Welch, Beck, BloodPop, Kevin Parker, Josh Homme, and Father John Misty involved, there is no surprise that this album is cohesive and flows so naturally. Joanne tells the story of a young New York girl whose happiness, sadness, tragic life experiences, and motivations are so relatable and carried through her music. This album is an ode to her later aunt, Joanne, whom Gaga believes would've wanted to spread messages of love, compassion, and self-care to the world if she were to be alive today. She does all that with this album and still manages to keep every song memorable, catchy, and plain gorgeous. I will for sure purchase a vinyl copy once it's available for those days when I want to relax and sing-along with my close friends. This is Gaga like we've never seen or heard her before, with no hard to understand lyrics or outfits. It's Gaga wanting to reflect her desired world in her music: easy, loving, and deep. I have been her fan since The Fame and I can tell you that it's refreshing to see an artist be capable of successfully reinventing herself and her sound. This album does not resemble her previous hits like Just Dance and Poker Face, but it does remind me of her less popular ballads. This is music that the world needs right now and will soon come to appreciate. Tracks on this album will make you smile, cry, and think deep about what our relationships with others and ourselves mean.

  • Dave W Earle - Very happy with it

    I am rewriting my entire review of this device, because in my haste to get using it, I didn't following the recommendations during the set up; in my initial review, I had said the range was not as claimed, however, that was because I didn't accept the recommended SSID during the set up of the Almond. When going through the wizard set up, you will be asked if you want to use the "recommended" SSID, or your own SSID of your wireless network. I IMPLORE YOU: accept the recommended SSID name it gives you, which will look like this: yournetworkssid_almond. I went back through the wizard myself, accepted the recommended SSID, and then put THAT SSID in my wireless devices, and VOILA!! I now have a clear, strong signal throughout the entire house. This Almond range extender works exactly as claimed, and I would completely, and definitely recommend it, I am very happy with it.

  • James - IT WORKS!!!

    i use this along with constant cleanse... i usually have a couple bottles of this and green clean in my cabinet... i take them about 2 hours prior to my monthly appointment and it works... i eat clean (plant based diet, low fat), drink a gallon of water/day and exercise regularly...

  • nancy - where did all the tylenol go in the stores??

    because tylenol for arthritis is so scares the price has sky rocketed!!! where is all the tylenol???? great product. outrages prices!

  • JeffH - Not sure it was worth the price

    I have been using Quicken Home and Office since 2008 when I started a consulting business. I really liked this product, as it really helped me organize my business financials, track clients, generate invoices, track payments, etc. etc. When I started getting notices that my 2010 version would no longer be supported, and I was in the process of purchasing my first rental property, I decided to upgrade to RPM 2013 so I could track both my consulting and rental businesses from one place. I was very disappointed at the seemingly lack of any out-of-the-box support for rental property management like I had gotten when I first set up H&O 5 years ago. I was really hoping to get some kick-start guidance like I got back then. I'm still working through stuff, so maybe I will find it useful eventually, but right now it is more of an impediment than an asset. At least I can easily tag expenses to a particular property, and create categories that map to a Schedule E tax item, but it would have been nice to have some of this pre-configured and a little more intuitive (like setting up tenant accounts similar to the business customers).