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  • Amazon Customer - I thought it was a very good guide for someone with a RV and the places ...

    I thought it was a very good guide for someone with a RV and the places that are accessible for RV's are highlighted in red

  • Amy N. - Disappointed

    Lost over 60% of my hair in two days last summer. Used this for three months at least and not one ounce of new hair growth, nor did the little hair I have left get any stronger.

  • Sarson - Great Sea Mud Mask

    I purchased it for my girlfriend and she is really satisfied with the product. She used it couple of times and her first impressions are positive. She feels like her skin is softer and smoother after applying this product to her face. It didn't dry out her skin. The smell of the mask is also charming. It is not bothering you when you are applying the mask on your face.

  • AvaA - Highly recommended especially for those who bike or go cycling!

    This hydration pack would make an absolutely fantastic gift for an outdoorsy friend or relative. I don't take it hiking because I'm one of those women who carry a full purse the size of a duffle bag and my hiking backpack is no different. And this just doesn't have the room. Actually, I sometimes carry my backpacking bag for regular hikes. But if you don't carry much on your hikes, this bag is fine. It has an extra waterproof compartment that can hold both your cell phone and a portable battery.