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  • jaskaran sungh - 100 % service

    Brand new sealed reached before than expected .runs like butter still playing it and will order again for sure .


    I have been an office fan since the beginning. NO MORE! Microsoft has just made a draconian change to its office licensing scheme.

  • Carole Tidwell - Super simple and I have more eyelashes now!!!!Yay!!

    What a find this product is! I just have never had very long eyelashes or an abundance of them either. Also I don't have much money so I sure can't go and have extensions or anything like that So this came along at the perfect time and I thought well let's try it and see what happens and there is quite an improvement. I'm hoping that it just gets better and better because this product is pretty doggone awesome. The directions are very easy to follow and it's just super simple. . I have received this product for free or at a discount in exchange for my honest review.

  • Holton789 - Great Ingredients and Speedy Results!

    This product first appealed to me because it contains EGF, which helps stimulate skin cell growth and promote healing. It also contains ingredients such as aloe, coconut, lavender oil, ylang ylang oil, sweet almond oil, and orange peel oil (to name just a few); which are also all great for your skin. This year especially, my skin has gone a bit crazy and I have some acne scars as a result of this. Acne is something I haven't had to deal with since I was a young teen, so it's comeback at age 30 is both uninvited and annoying because I now have to figure out how to treat it!

  • David Bond - i think it is a really good idea and if i had a compatible machine/operating system ...

    not very compatible, it dosent work on that many different computers or operating systems. havent got the thing to work for me yet. i think it is a really good idea and if i had a compatible machine/operating system it might be fun. but something is really lacking.

  • Holly Gordon - Did not fit.

    Im sure this is a great product but I am not sure. I bought it to hold a Graco car seat in a Bob stroller and it would not fit the car seat. We had to return it and but a totally different brand. I am not sure why that would be but this did not fit our Graco car seat.