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City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States
Good book. Clearly writen with standard medical terms, guidelines are easy to follow and fairly straightforward. Includes a restaurant/fast food/supermarket food value list. Good results when following the plan. No severe restrictions on carbs.
It can sink a budget fast when septic tanks and fields cause trouble! Using a monthly treatment was recommended to us after having our drain field back up unexpectedly one spring. These products are a cheap way to prevent a $700+ surprise bill- I had to pay for our system to be pumped out after only 2 yrs and then have them add someones septic contents (bacteria) from a healthier system !
Best hair product EVER. The 12 Benefits line is completely comprehensive. If you have this, you need nothing else. Discovered it at my hairdresser of all places. We all know that when we leave our regular daily use stuff at home and go the hairdresser, our hair is always thrilled and beautiful because of a change of products. And normally I stay away from whatever they're selling, because the prices are always exorbitant, but this stuff? Wow. (Price is better here than at my hairdresser though...) I assumed that with regular use, the novelty would wear off. But noooooooooo, it's still incredible. Every. Single. Time.
So very handy to have the New American Bible on your tablet, especially when on vacation. Navigating through the bible takes a little getting used to but quickly becomes more familiar. traditional footnotes to amplify the passages are helpful.