

Magazine — Style, Media & Creative Industry - Magazine est un magazine qui traite de la culture magazine. Mais arrêtons les répétitions, et parlons de presse de style. Plus qu'un média classique, la presse de style est une forme qui synthétise le style à un moment donné. Mode, art, design… elle est le mood board de l'époque et Magazine le restitue chaque trimestre.

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • DV219 - Plug in and battery weak.

    This is the second I have bought. The first one stopped charging after 4 months. I thought it was my fault since I dropped it. However, this one is almost new and it is starting to do the same thing. When plugged in, if you don't wiggle it, the light for battery charging will not come on. I am sure this won't last long, either. The battery life is also very 2 hours. Will not buy another. Spend a few extra bucks. It will be worth it.

  • Salsa Lover46 - Best Excel book

    I know very little about Excel. It starts from a level of someone who knows nothings, gives great tips that will make you an expert, has practices, a CD. I just love it. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to be great a Excel. Mr. Walkenbach explains things very simply. This book is a must have. They gave us an Excel help book at work from someone they hired to teach us a class. The book was horrible. I couldn't benefit from it. Don't know how much they paid that women, but it was truly a waste of their money. We would have been better with this Excel 2010 Bible.