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Country:, Europe, FR
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Very good program, but needs some fine tuning to work with Ancestry.com website. Merging files can be a bit of a problem and maybe could be made easier to do. Other than that I have enjoyed the program immensely.
I'm 5'6" and 130lbs. and a large was a perfect fit for riding. Not too tight,not too loose. Breathes well. Washed cold, hung to dry.
Obviously this isn't a professional bmx bike; but for the price there is no better bmx bike on the market. Very solid, with quality components. Took maybe 30 mins to assemble. I'm 5' 10" and 160 lbs, and I bought it for myself. If you're an adult just starting out in the world of bmx, this is perfect. If you're an adult getting a bike for your kid, again, perfect.
Hmm, it's interesting how many of the comments here write they haven't read the book, or it's wordy, and then recommend JK Laser's books instead. LOL. Seriously? You shouldn't bad mouth one author in expectation that we're all going to run to another. I believe cramming the box as it were is dicey and lacks integrity. For that I give this guy a good review. Yeah, there's no way to not pay taxes unless you never got a social security number, or were somehow able to extract yourself from this twisted system we live in. So, it's sounding like a catchy book title, but probably untrue. You just have your own business and writeoffs and credits. Everyone's so broke now and made no money in the past 5 years how could you possibly hope to owe any taxes in 2012 anyway?
The theory is sound, but this book has way, way to many typos, which I found to be really confusing and frustrating. It's too easy to get into the habit of second-guessing yourself with a book like this, and that is unacceptable when confidence is the name of the game going in to test day. All of the technique is available online without the added frustration.
Excellent book and materilal to study i have not took the examen but i feel very confident about doing it if i study .
Holes didnt line up right ended up cross threading a bolt. Sound is very good. But for the price i wouldnt buy again. You would think they could get the holes right.