Review: - Legal Party Pills Club | BUY ONLINE! - View - Legal party pills are now capable to give you more energy, more positive mood and joining to the in-crowd and have fun living the night life without harmful side effects such as illegal drugs.

Country:, North America, US

City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Mommyofthree - Ohhhh yeah!

    This thing has changed the way I think about pottying. Without being too graphic, there is a complete difference in the way I feel when I'm done. I honestly don't know why anyone would choose the 7" over the 9". I'm a heavy set person and I have zero problems with the height. Take my advice, buy it!!!

  • V. Acevedo - Over priced and cheap quality

    In Europe we had our own Soda Siphon growing up. I was happy to find Sodastream in the U.S., I've been craving for carbonated water. When it arrived I was so excited to try but the whole thing is so cheap looking plastic. Pressing the plastic buttons on the back it felt like the whole thing will fall apart. It didn't even want to open the back. I was afraid to use more force. So I gave up. Requested a refund and shipping this thing back. In Europe, it costs cents to have something like this. I don't understand why in the US carbonated water is so expensive.

  • Terry - doesn't hurt my feet

    The whole package, including the box came in very good condition, its light and doesn't hurt my feet when moving