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  • Pauli - Good size and great output

    Hell of a light with insane flood ability at night. People are always in awe when I use it and are surprised at its size. There is another light from Fenix that is almost identical to this one (the name evades me at the moment), but the reviews showed that this one has more 'flood' which is what I preferred for home use.

  • starlitedecay - I simply refuse to be without them

    Over the past year, these have become a must-have for me. I don't shave my eyebrows so I use them for the rest of my face. I'm lucky in the sense that I have very fine, very fair body hair for the most part, but for some reason the peach fuzz on my face gets freakishly long and grows out rather than down. Yeah, there's nothing like freaky lady whiskers to really take your otherwise beautifully applied makeup job to the next level.

  • Lauren - Poor product for the price

    This is a really poorly put together program for the price. Download Duolingo for free and you will get a better program that is also more handy and attractive. I returned this for a refund. Such a ripoff.