Pim tegen MS - Mijn naam is Pim Hardijzer. Ik ben 49 jaar en alweer 11 jaar getrouwd met mijn steun en toeverlaat Ron. Mijn MS verhaal is begonnen in de zomer van 2009. Ik kreeg van het ene moment op het andere ineens last van mijn benen. Ze voelden heel zwaar aan en ik had het gevoel er doorheen te zakken. Het gevoel klopte ook niet. Wanneer ik op de vloer in de badkamer stond voelde deze onder mijn ene voet koud en onder de andere warm, een rare gewaarwording. In het Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis in Amsterdam ben ik door de medische molen gegaan. Lumbaal punctie, MRI scans van rug en hersenen, bloedonderzoek etc..
Country:, Europe, NL
City: 4.8995 , Netherlands
This product works very well on my dog. Its taken some time to work on the tarter, but the breath smells so much better! And she would rather I put this on with my finger than with a tooth brush or finger tooth brush - which she hated. Thank you!
I was very surprised by how well this works! I have to admit I can not say the name of this product out loud without laughing or at the very least smiling but, the results is serious business! Warning this may be TMI but, If my review can help someone else then it's worth it! I used this when T-O-M left. (Time of Month) and any female knows the day after he leaves down there isn't the freshest! Lol But, after using this product my boyfriend said I smelled sweet! Sweet when TOM just left? DONE! I'm sold! I will be buying this in place of the over the counter sprays which doesn't come close to the results this products gives! Oh and one application lasted all day and night and even the next morning until I showered again! I like showering twice a day but with this product you really don't have to! So yeah it's a definite keeper!!
My name is Mary and I'm using my husband's account to write this review. I am returning the product today, as I see no difference at all in my skin after four weeks. Two contacts with representatives also left me feeling almost harassed. I first started to order the trial online at lifecellcream.com, but had to stop and return to my computer a little later to start the process over.