pro-bed.com - The Freedom Bed™ is a unique, computer-controlled, therapy system that manually or automatically turns the bed-user to different stable sleeping positions without the aid of caregivers or institutional staff.
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City: -121.9886 California, United States
I'm never disappointed when it comes to Author Nicole's work. I love the way she ties all her characters together in the story and makes you feel as though you are apart of the story and the family. Definitely a 10* book. Keyasia and Wale are my new favorite couple, they had some real life drama. I felt bad for Wale because Key was tagging him every time he got out of line. Great book!
I love it! Curling my whole head of hair in 1/2 hour is amazing. I have stick straight hair which normally won't keep a curl unless I spray my hair to death with hairspray but these curls stay intact about 85% with just a light spray of hairspray. I LOVE that it beeps to let me know when it's done, I don't even have to think about what I'm doing. It's a little top heavy which I had to get used to but it's easy to use and figure out.
AT&T has just about the worst customer service on the planet, so I made up my mind that my $60/mo analog line (no joke!) had to go. I switched my alarm to satellite uplink, and then dropped my land line. AT&T "unbundled" my services (after trying to sell me U-Verse for the 50th time) and ended up obliterating my cell phone contract, which went from $200/mo to $500/mo. After a brief "you're not the God of the universe" discussion, we got it all straightened out, BUT....
You must use at least 1 Tbsp. daily for at least 6 weeks before you start to notice a difference, but it's well worth the wait! Better skin, hair, nails, digestion, and circulation. Highly recommend, especially for people with joint problems (helps rebuild and repair collagen).
I actually didn't know they still made this stuff. When I was a kid, I remember my parents using it on themselves & me when cold season came around. I know it is meant to be like Vicks Vap-o-rub, but it also helps with cold sores (fever blisters). Everytime I felt one coming, I'd dab some of this medicine on the tingly spot & the sore would be gone in no time! A little tin lasts FOREVER too, so it's well worth the money!
This MP3 player is easy to use, buttons are large enough that someone with limited dexterity can manage to use it. Excellent price and very reliable.
i just started using this for my 3 year old daughter. She has long straight hair and it gets tangled easy. It was a problem when i tried combing her hair she would scream, pull and all that so i decided to look for a detangler. From the first use i could tell the difference. No craying there was a little tangling but after the first time it has been smooth saling. It smells good and leaves hair soft and straight for her hair. Totally recommend!