www.2will.co.nz Review:


2will physiotherapy & pain management clinic. North Shore, Auckland - where you build resilience - 2will physiotherapy and pain management clinic is the leader in chronic pain management in primary care.

  • http://www.2will.co.nz/clinical-education-blog/ 2will physio & pain management clinical education blog - Blog that is dedicated to clinical education of health professionals in regards to musculoskeletal care and pain management.
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  • http://www.2will.co.nz/education/ Education - 2will physiotherapy & pain management clinic. North Shore, Auckland - Because knowledge makes you feel better - home page for insightful information relating to sensitisation, chronic pain, musician pain.
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    City: 174.7667 Auckland, New Zealand

  • akaLOVED - Really neat carrier, love how compact it becomes when not in use.

    This is a very unique pet carrier. I've never seen anything like it before and was attracted to it because of the collapsible feature. It is super lightweight and does fold down flat, allowing for minimal storage space needs. I can tuck it away in my linen closet and not worry about it taking up any space. I found it a bit challenging to assemble, not because it didn't make sense but because I could have used some instructions with tips on assembly. It was a bit tricky to line up the zippers so that you can attach the sides/middle to the top and bottom. This carrier does have superior ventilation, but I was a bit let down that the "waterproof hard top and bottom" is actually covered in some kind of fabric, the same as the sides. So, while it may prevent spills/accidents from seeping through the top or bottom, I feel like it's something that could stain easily. Since there aren't any included instructions, it isn't clear how you're expected to clean this carrier. I do like that it comes with a fleece pad that lines the bottom for soft coziness and protection. The carrier is an ideal size for my 3.5 lb puppy, but it may not fit him at his full-grown size, not because of height and width but because of length. My puppy wasn't scared to go inside this carrier, which was a big plus for me. I think the concept of this carrier is amazing, but I think the material used could use a bit of improvement for durability. I'm afraid to set it on the ground because I don't want to get it dirty or scuff up the material.

  • juscoll - Not recommended.

    This software is ok. It has severe limitations on how useful it actually is. Despite it being advertised as capable of designing a home or renovation, it really isn't. The printing options are very limited and what use is a design on a computer if you can't print proper drawings? Chief Architect deliberately disable many of the important printing options on this software to try and get you to upgrade after you've done your design. When I talked to customer service they actually said, "that program is just for hobbyists". Thanks! I had to purchase an upgrade for another $500 but even that program has limited printing options. The customer service people seem nice but they won't help you. Unless all you want to do is play around I'd use something different. And if all you want to do is play around with design they should should use Autodesk's Homestyler - it at least is free.

  • Cal 20 Sailor - My new favorite portable coffee/tea infuser, perfect for hiking/backpacking...

    This is my new favorite coffee and tea infuser, being much more portable than others that I've used. Unlike my previous favorite infusers--the MSR MugMate and the larger, identical Finum Brewing Basket (both excellent brewers, BTW)--the Primula Brew Buddy folds completely flat and is less subject to being deformed or damaged by being crushed, although the mesh "bag" needs to be protected from being torn by sharp objects. The mesh is also finer than that on the MSR and Finum, so there is less sediment in the final brew, although there is a small amount of fine "mud" at the bottom of the mug by the time I get to that last bit... I don't mind this very much as I am not the coffee connoisseur that some are--my main attraction to portable brewers/infusers is for the convenience of brewing my own flavorful coffee and tea, both in civilization and while in the back country, and for this the Primula Brew Buddy is excellent, IMO. For you hikers/backpackers out there, the mesh bag part of this infuser will fit perfectly into the mouth of a Nalgene widemouth bottle for straining debris from water to be filtered and/or coffee grounds from a pot of "cowboy coffee," in addition to being perfect for infusing coffee/tea in the majority of cups and mugs, and ultralight pots and kettles; it will store very snugly inside an MSR Titan Kettle, but NOT the GSI Halulite kettle without some trimming/alteration on a belt sander... Reference measurements I wanted before buying, but couldn't find, include: Disk width: 4 1/2"; mesh width at disk: 2 1/8"; mesh depth, below disk: 3"; weight: 1.1 oz./32 grams.

  • Keshav - Useful for last minute study

    This is good book to review and brush the skill at the last minute. My daughter found this very useful.

  • Ellie - excellent!

    I have used this product for many years. Even when I was using trying to grow my hair after my chemo's!

  • Guenni - Great upgrade

    I have a 2013 GT Premium coupe with the shaker 500 system. This is the perfect upgrade for a navi system which also supports the SYNC functions.

  • Y. M. Collins - Adequate lighting, nice design.

    Well designed. Motion sensing light brightens when motion detected, about 15 feet away. Dims and steady light if no motion at night. Lasts the whole night. If no motion, dims after about 30 seconds. Comes with mounting hardware and a little paperclip size tool to turn on and off ,for storage? ?