www.advancedsurgeonspc.com Review:



Advanced Surgeons, PC – Birmingham, AL - width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0

Country:, North America, US

City: -98.3987 Texas, United States

  • E. Nash - Perfect solution for adding Bluetooth headphones!

    My hearing is getting poor and I was looking for a high-quality source of TV audio so that I can watch with my family without deafening them. Purchased this along with the 

  • Scott - Not much replay value

    The "game" consists of pressing a button that says "Select Server" That's it. There is some excitement when it occasionally does respond to the clicking, and pops up a menu where you can choose from several servers. Upon selecting a server you have completed the game as nothing else happens. I guess I beat it?

  • Great White North - The picture doesn't do it justice

    This is one of the best ornaments Swarovski has put out for quite a while. The facets capture all the lights on the tree and it really sparkles and shines. Probably one of my top 5 all time favorite crystal tree ornaments.

  • G. Book - What happened??

    I had Quicken 2011 installed, and then I downloaded this and installed it. After the installation... errors... and they're not useful errors. Blank error dialogs. Then the program won't open, it just hangs. It says its loaded my file, but it just displays a blank screen. I like the program, but its kind of useless if it doesn't work. Since I purchased this as a download, I imagine I can't get a refund and go back to using Quicken 2011.