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  • jana Washatka - What a pain! Error messages over and over, Don't Buy!!

    I have a new Mac and had to get a new version that would be compatible. Wrong. Hours of loading, updating, tech non-existent support, reloading, downloading patches, still error msgs. I think I shall build a fire and burn it.

  • Robert Ross - Was a little disappointed in the book

    Was a little disappointed in the book. I've had the bible series in the past for Framemaker and it provided more detail than this one did. Lacks in detail for customizing the ribbon and the indexing is excessive (points to pages non-relevant pages). Maybe good for a novice user but not detailed enough for advanced.

  • Brad Ruppel - Does its job.

    Helps to relieve any pain i have from working out so I can stretch out post workout without hurting myself. tens unit do not heal, all they do is temporarily curb pain to enable you to stretch the problem area or enable a doctor/masseuse to do their job without you feeling too much pain. for that its great. but don't be fooled, this is no miracle cure.

  • Veronykah - WAY smaller than they should have been. I wear ...

    WAY smaller than they should have been. I wear and 8.5 and ordered one, almost couldn't get them on. Order a half to full size larger.

  • Matthew Barchok - Take that, Jerry Springer!

    I used this product, and the results came back negative. (blue eyes, whew!) Take that, Jerry Springer! I always knew he wasn't mine. That cheating *****! So much for your fancy-shmancy DNA test.

  • Marta E. - Helped My Hair!

    I love this stuff sooooo much! I have thin curly hair that went through some telogen effluvium and lost allot of life and texture when growing back. This mask keeps my hair super hydrated, bouncy and has improved the overall texture.

  • Bornshallow - most gas ever

    Yeah what they said is true about the gas... My wife Complained of an inability to poo so haribo came to the rescue... Lol awesome. 5-10 of these and she exploded. No more inability to poo!