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  • CMOS - Buyer Beware: Possible Scam Remedy

    Many of the web sites you will find that speak about ZetaClear such as publichealthforums.com, healthynailsworld.com and others like them seem to be directly associated with the product manufacturer. It appears they are heavily involved in a sort of official looking viral marketing campaign. The same woman appears under different names, on different sites as a moderator or official source of information. All of the reviews on these sites are anonymous for the most part. It may be legitimate but my readings suggest otherwise. I recommend talking to your doctor or pharmacist at Walgreens before buying this stuff because it's not cheap.

  • Anonymous - The cure!!!!!!!!!!

    Couldn't be more happy with this product!!!!! This is probably TMI, but I've been struggling with excessive discharge ever since puberty hit. I'm 27....However, I originally bought the product because I've been experiencing a strong "fishy" odor. It was getting worse and worse, and had been making me feel extremely self conscious when being intimate with my boyfriend. I also felt like everyone I sat next to, or even walked by, could smell the odor. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't afford to go to the doctor, as I am currently unemployed. So, I orders Rephresh Pro-B. Shortly after ordering it, and reading more and more information and reviews, I realized that I should've bought the Rephresh Gel. But, I figured what the heck, why not try it anyway. I was desperate. Well, what do ya know!! It's been about 5 days since I've been taking them, and the odor is COMPLETELY gone!!!! And bonus, I've had a lot less discharge than usual! I haven't felt this comfortable in a long time. If you're thinking about buying this product, do it! And if it doesn't work, you've only wasted $19. Which is probably nothing compared to what you already have, or might spend, trying to find a cure for yourself. It's absolutely worth it!!!!