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Country:, North America, US
City: -84.636 Michigan, United States
i love this cream i hope it still works for my last months of pregnancy since those months are the ones where the belly stretches more
Once about 8 years ago, my mom and my cousin were playing with the ouiga board. My other cousin was there in the room and he told my mom to ask it when he was going to jail. It said "tonight". He said to ask it where he will be, It said " at Chris's house". He had planned on going there that night, but changed his mind. Later they posed the same question to the board-when was he going to jail, it again said "tonight". I was on 3rd shift and went to work. I came home at lunch, and there were police officers surrounding my mom's house. Guess what. He went to jail THAT NIGHT! My mom got so scared she burned the ouiga board. I still like to play around with them though. I can't help it, it is interesting.
My review is simple: My wife has given birth to two kids and used this cream on each pregnancy. She got NO stretch marks. It works on her. Period.
It was very informative, but it could have been better proofread. There are a LOT of grammatical errors, and the phrase "just so happened to be..." when referring to dates is overused.