www.drjoexplains.com Review:



Joint Pain Information For Every Body - Joint Pain information for the lay-person; easy to read and understand so that you may take positive action with a better informed level of certainty. .

  • http://www.drjoexplains.com/joint-pain-blog.html Joint Pain Insights - Joint Pain Insights keeps you informed and current in the latest developments in the study and treatment of joint pain. Subscribe here.
  • http://www.drjoexplains.com/shoulder-injury.html Shoulder Injury And Repetitive Strain - Shoulder injury and repetitive strain can be treated to prevent ongoing difficulties and permanent damage...
  • http://www.drjoexplains.com/severe-back-pain.html Severe Back Pain Can Be An SOS From Your Organs - Severe back pain can be the result of dysfunction in kidneys bladder pancreas and other vital organs
  • http://www.drjoexplains.com/back-pains.html Back Pains: Disc Herniation, Subluxation And Rib Pain... - Disc injury/herniation, vertebral mis-alignment and rib mis-alignment described as the three most common back pains
  • http://www.drjoexplains.com/hip-joint-pain.html Hip Joint Pain - When It Is An Emergency Or Something Else... - Hip joint pain can be complex to assess and you need to know when it is an emergency...
  • http://www.drjoexplains.com/herniated-disc.html Herniated Disc: What It Is, Who Can Help, And How Much Time It Needs To Heal... - Herniated disc and timelines for healing, who you need to see and what you can do at home
  • http://www.drjoexplains.com/ankle-pain.html Ankle Pain And Five Different Injuries... - Ankle pain can involve several different types of injury to the area. The key point is that ankles heal slowly due to a lesser blood supply...

    Country:, North America, CA

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  • T. Panossian - Student-oriented and amazingly thorough

    I don't have the time to go into every reason I really appreciate this SAT prep book. Its many chapters are filled with one-page lessons, then review questions, then practice problems. It is well-written and the lessons are clear, simple, yet accomplish a lot of tips and techniques. There is also a section of vocabulary grouped by theme and by roots, and practice tests. Those tests are not close enough to the real thing to use on their own. I just use them if I'm tutoring for months and months and need more practice questions because I've run out of College Board practice tests. Speaking of the tests, not only are answers included, but explanations with references to the chapter lessons that match them.


    This has to be the worst program ever created. Never have I seen anything run so slow. Every task that is run not only takes a obscene amount of time (eg. running a full system scan takes an hour+, a quick scan takes 10-15 minutes and then sits at 98% for an additional 30 minutes. I finally have to reboot my computer because when it seems nothing is happening hitting cancel does nothing either). I keep getting a prompt from Windows saying I have no active security system even though McAfee says it is on. Once I tried to reinstall the program when this happened and you have to go thru the miserable McAfee customer service (good luck - give yourself at least 3+ hours) only to find out that they have to reinstall from there. They must take over your computer to do so ;-)! This IS NOT NORTON where you simply reinstall from the key you have. Everything about this program is miserable. So fed up, I bought Norton again after using McAfee for only (2) months. Awful, awful program. Everything on Norton takes a sew seconds to no more than < 5 minutes. Finally, every task you run on McAfee slows down your computer to a grinding halt. I was a FOOL to try something new.

  • Pieces Girl - Just do it (and this isn't the way)

    Please read the review by CB. Hands down the best advice anyone could give to anyone regarding losing weight. I have gained and lost up to 60 pounds off and on at least 3-5 times throughout my life (post-partum and otherwise) and he's so correct. It is a lifestyle change. It's about burning more calories than you eat and eating a balanced diet along with an active lifestyle. People who are looking for a quick fix like this are only going to be disappointed a year from now when they realize they have gained back every pound and then some. You can't live on powdered drinks for the rest of your life. The second you go back to eating "normal" you will gain every pound back. All of these weight loss companies are scams. You don't need to spend any money to lose weight other than on healthy food and maybe a gym membership.

  • My Own AMZN - Nice charger, but a bit finicky

    I bought this battery charger because I wanted one that can handle size D batteries, also one that can charge 8 AA batteries at a time. Also, this charger has a LCD readout which shows the charge progress of each battery which is a nice touch. A unique feature of this charger is that the batteries don't start charging until the lid is closed. That is how the contacts are made on the positive/negative areas of the batteries. This feature is both good and bad. It is good as a safety measure (I assume, since it's called a family charger, the audience includes children). Yet, because the contacts aren't spring loaded, with AA and AAA batteries, sometimes after closing the lid, the contacts don't seem to touch properly (more on this later) and I found that I had to shuffle the batteries around and get them to work by trial and error.

  • BR in Paradise - Winner - Winner

    Been using this product for many years. I always buy the previous year's version - saves a lot of money and the product updates automatically. I love the home network features and love the fact that this product is totally install and forget it - it does all the work in the background. New in this version is the file vault which protects file access. Glad to have the web advisor as well protecting unnecessary extra content from good websites. This product is a winner - I will always use it. The only con I can think of is the install takes awhile - and it removes the prior year's product completely and then does a fresh install rather than just an upgrade. Must be a reason though.