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Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Home - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Paul Froomes, Melbourne Specialist Gastroenterologist - interests including Gastric balloon procedure and Human Microbial Infusion (Faecal Microbial Transplant), colonoscopy, gastroscopy, general gastroenterology and hepatology.

  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/blogsection/4/80/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Dr Paul Froomes - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Castroenterologist board certified in colonoscopy, gastroscopy, general gastroenterology and hepatology
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/blogsection/7/46/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Procedures - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Intragastric Balloon Patient Information - Procedure, Consent Form, Post operative medication and diet, weight loss management system, Essendon, Melbourne, Endoscopic removal procedure explained for the Orbera gastric balloon weight loss management system used by Dr Paul Froomes, Melbourne, Endoscopic placement procedure explained for the Orbera gastric balloon weight loss management system used by Dr Paul Froomes, Melbourne, Gastric Balloon procedure used to assist weight loss begins with a soft, expandable silicone intragastric balloon. Orbera Weight Management System, Melbourne, During fundoplication surgery for GERD, the upper curve of the stomach (the fundus) is wrapped around the esophagus and sewn into place so that the lower portion of the esophagus passes through a small tunnel of stomach muscle, Anorectal manometry - test performed to evaluate patients with constipation or fecal incontinence. Measures the pressures of the anal sphincter muscles, the sensation in the rectum, and the neural reflexes., Hydrogen breath test provides information about the digestion of certain sugars or carbohydrates, such as milk sugar (lactose) or fruit sugar (fructose)., 24hr pH testing - determines the amount of acid (the pH) that is getting into your oesophagus from your stomach and/or the amount of bile getting into your oesophagus from your stomach., Oesophageal manometry - a test to measure the strength and function of the oesophagus. A thin tube (catheter) with holes in it that can sense pressure is placed down the oesophagus., PillCamĀ® Capsule endoscopy - new endoscopic technique used to examine the small intestine. It is not intended to examine the oesophagus, stomach, or colon. It does not replace upper endoscopy or colonoscopy., Colonoscopy Information and Preparation Instructions - The success of your examination depends on the Bowel being as clear as possible, otherwise the examination may need to be postponed and the preparation process repeated., Colonscopy is a safe, effective means of visually examining the lining of the bowel using a long, flexible, tubular instrument. It is used to diagnose colon and rectum problems and to perform biopsies and remove colon polyps., Gastroscopy - procedure that enables the doctor to see the lining of the stomach for abnormalities., Gastroscopy is a safe, effective means of visually examining the lining of the oesophagus and stomach using a long, flexible, tubular instrument. It is used to diagnose oesophagus and stomach problems and to perform biopsies., Human Microbial Infusion or HMI (or Faecal Microbial Transplant) therapy for Clostridium difficile infection, Diarrhoea-predominant IBS and Colitis
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/27/49/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Gastroscopy Instructions - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Gastroscopy - procedure that enables the doctor to see the lining of the stomach for abnormalities.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/51/82/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Gastroscopy Informed Consent - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Gastroscopy is a safe, effective means of visually examining the lining of the oesophagus and stomach using a long, flexible, tubular instrument. It is used to diagnose oesophagus and stomach problems and to perform biopsies.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/43/54/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Colonoscopy Instructions - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Colonoscopy Information and Preparation Instructions - The success of your examination depends on the Bowel being as clear as possible, otherwise the examination may need to be postponed and the preparation process repeated.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/28/73/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Colonoscopy Informed Consent - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Colonscopy is a safe, effective means of visually examining the lining of the bowel using a long, flexible, tubular instrument. It is used to diagnose colon and rectum problems and to perform biopsies and remove colon polyps.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/48/78/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - PillCam - Capsule Endoscopy - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, PillCamĀ® Capsule endoscopy - new endoscopic technique used to examine the small intestine. It is not intended to examine the oesophagus, stomach, or colon. It does not replace upper endoscopy or colonoscopy.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/29/50/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Oesophageal Manometry - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Oesophageal manometry - a test to measure the strength and function of the oesophagus. A thin tube (catheter) with holes in it that can sense pressure is placed down the oesophagus.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/31/53/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - pH testing (24hr) - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, 24hr pH testing - determines the amount of acid (the pH) that is getting into your oesophagus from your stomach and/or the amount of bile getting into your oesophagus from your stomach.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/32/52/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Anorectal Manometry - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Anorectal manometry - test performed to evaluate patients with constipation or fecal incontinence. Measures the pressures of the anal sphincter muscles, the sensation in the rectum, and the neural reflexes.
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/30/51/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Breath Tests - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Hydrogen breath test provides information about the digestion of certain sugars or carbohydrates, such as milk sugar (lactose) or fruit sugar (fructose).
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/52/83/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Fundoplication Surgery - Informed Consent - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, During fundoplication surgery for GERD, the upper curve of the stomach (the fundus) is wrapped around the esophagus and sewn into place so that the lower portion of the esophagus passes through a small tunnel of stomach muscle
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/63/99/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Human Microbial Infusion - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Human Microbial Infusion or HMI (or Faecal Microbial Transplant) therapy for Clostridium difficile infection, Diarrhoea-predominant IBS and Colitis
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/blogsection/9/92/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Weight Loss - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, MyGene weightloss program - Using the knowledge of your weightloss genotype will provide you with the healthiest weightloss program for your genes. Melbourne
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/56/87/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Intragastric Balloon - Overview - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Gastric Balloon procedure used to assist weight loss begins with a soft, expandable silicone intragastric balloon. Orbera Weight Management System, Melbourne
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/54/88/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Intragastric Balloon - Procedure - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Endoscopic placement procedure explained for the Orbera gastric balloon weight loss management system used by Dr Paul Froomes, Melbourne
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/55/89/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Intragastric Balloon - Removal - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Endoscopic removal procedure explained for the Orbera gastric balloon weight loss management system used by Dr Paul Froomes, Melbourne
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/57/91/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Intragastric Balloon Patient Forms & Information Sheets - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Intragastric Balloon Patient Information - Procedure, Consent Form, Post operative medication and diet, weight loss management system, Essendon, Melbourne
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/view/53/84/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Intragastric Balloon - Patient Education - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Gastric balloon weight loss management system - patient education information, Dr paul Froomes, Melbourne, Australia
  • http://www.drpaulfroomes.com.au/content/blogsection/6/47/ Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist - Patient Info - Dr Paul Froomes - Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Blastocystis hominis and Dientamoeba fragilis are microscopic parasites sometimes found in the stools of people who have diarrhea, abdominal pain or other gastrointestinal signs and symptoms., Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It has a number of different causes, including damageby a virus. Hepatitis B is one of the viruses which can damage the liver. Others include the hepatitis A, C, D and E viruses, and sometimes the Epstein-Barr (glandular fever) virus andcytomegalovirus (CMV)., coeliac disease, Heartburn (reflux oesophagitis) is an inflammation of the oesophagus (gullet) resulting from a failure of the valve (lower oesophageal sphincter) between the oesophagus and the stomach., Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Patient Support program, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common GI disorder seen in clinical practice. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by chronic abdominal pain and altered bowel habits in the absence of any organic disorder., Infliximab - used for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease for whom conventional therapy has not been effective. Infliximab belongs to a new class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies.

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