www.harmonyspring.com Review:



Harmony Spring – A Journey of Health & Wellness - Offers effective and safe natural libido enhancement TCM products for erectile dysfunction for longer lasting erections.

Country:, North America, US

City: -98.3987 Texas, United States

  • Helen Mazur - Bitdefender crashed my computer

    I purchased Bitdefender Internet Security yesterday, downloaded it immediately, and my computer crashed. Now they tell me I have to wait 48 hours until they figure out a fix. Since then I've been reading about how many people have had the same problem. If you look on google, there are a LOT of people making money charging for Bitdefender fixes. Now I'm stuck without a working computer until they send me a fix... IF they send me a fix. Don't make the same mistake I did. Research it better. You'll see how many people are complaining about this horrible program.

  • Peggy Hill - Second year using this.

    I tried taking the recommended dose and it did nothing for me, so I only take 3 now at bedtime, and I go to the bathroom in the morning with no trouble or any type of pain. If I don't take the pills, I just can't go.

  • Alexis Sudin - After trying 2 different turmeric manufacturers I thought the spice ...

    After trying 2 different turmeric manufacturers I thought the spice probably doesn't work for me, but 3ed try, I felt and saw a real different with Schwartz. I have fibromyalgia. The condition causes inflammation throughout the body because the lymphatic system stops circulating efficiently. The lymphatic fluid pools in muscles causing pain and burning, the fibro tender zones. After 2 weeks on Schwartz turmeric the constant burning sensation was gone and has stayed gone. As of now, I have been on this product for 7 weeks.

  • Farm Girl - I've stopped searching for a good brand

    Holy cow is this brand good!!!!! I was taking LEF brand, since that is what I had on hand already and that one did make a difference, but this Jarrow formula is SO much more potent for me (hubby also) We notice our energy level going up, up, up within 15 minutes of taking it and the feeling lasts and lasts. For those seemingly complaining it takes too long to dissolve, THAT is the whole point. The longer the better, shoot for an hour or more if possible! I put it between the cheek and gum, as it lasts longer than under my tongue. For those that are not noticing any increased energy or just a feeling of better well being, maybe other things like your base vitamins / nutrition are not in order, or possibly you don't need. If you need this variety of b12, my feeling is that you will see some difference. This is by FAR the best b 12 we have ever used. There were 2 other brands we tried that did basically nothing for us, names escape me right now.

  • Jenyce - I love this product and so does my skin

    I tried Panoxyl before this and was happy with it but, it dried my skin a little and didn't reduce my existing acne marks.This product is great for clearing up acne and lightening brown spots. I've only used this for a couple of weeks and I've seen a major difference in my skin. I've seen my dark spots get lighter and resulted in my using less makeup. I'm trying to get back to 7 days a week no foundation but, this certainly will have me there in another month or two. I haven't used it daily nor do I use it 2x a day bc I'm lazy but, just imagine, if I did use as directed. I will say if you have oily skin try putting a light powder on your skin so you don't shine so much. These are just my results but, I will definitely be ordering this product again and recommend it for others to you.

  • Thomas - A New Catastrophic Event Added!

    I was actually pretty impressed when i found out about all the cool, potential catastrophes that have been added to the new addition to the SimCity line of games.