www.honeybeehealers.com Review:


Home - Honey Bee Healers - Bee venom therapy BVT for Lyme Disease - Mellitin kills Lyme Spirochete - bee sting therapy

  • http://www.honeybeehealers.com/my-lyme-journey/ My Lyme Story - Honey Bee Healers - How Lyme disease presented itself to me. The start of 25 doctor visits to arrive at a lyme disease diagnosis.
  • http://www.honeybeehealers.com/blog/ Bee Blog - Honey Bee Healers - My bee blog of stinging myself with live honey bees for Lyme disease recovery - Mellitin in bee venom kills Lyme spirochete
  • http://www.honeybeehealers.com/information-to-get-started-with-bee-venom-therapy-for-lyme-disease/ Information to get started with Bee Venom Therapy for Lyme Disease - Honey Bee Healers - Treating lyme disease with Bee Venom Therapy- How to get started- Apitherapy Alternative Resources -BVT Bee Sting- Mellitin kills Lyme Spirochete

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • Mrs. Audrey F. - So many options. Reminds me of a Roku. I love it!

    This product really surprised me. At first I was skeptical about the quality of the product due to the relatively cheap price, but shortly after receiving and using this product, I quickly changed my mind. The product worked as expected and was very easy to use. It was exactly as described in the description. Very cool. Easy to install and set up. The product has some updating to do once you plug it in but its not much. You can download anything on it much like you can an android phone. Good quality with minimal set up! So many options now! I am not one to leave good reviews for bad quality products either. I leave honest reviews and tell it exactly how it is. Great product and definitely worth every penny.

  • Lisa M Popovich - Really helps with racing thoughts when trying to relax!

    I wouldn't consider myself as someone with severe anxiety but everyday stresses can be very overwhelming. I have been taking this as bedtime every night and it just really seems to take the edge of and make it possible to deal with life without being stressed out all the time. The biggest thing I have noticed is when I try to relax I don't have all the racing thoughts like I did. I can just simply relax- huge improvement!!

  • agatha - finally a true great product.

    This product is terrific and does exactly what you see it do in the demo on tv. PLEASE READ ALL DIRECTIONS FIRST. not that there is anything complicated. there is a right way to use it. it trims your nail on one side of the unit and files your nail with the other, so you really need to read about it. I LOVE IT. GREAT STOCKING STUFFER.

  • J. Holland - Solid product

    Worked as expected. Very easy to put on/take off. As mentioned, the front bar needs to be fully extended to fit. I used it to mount a ski rack and drove from IA to CO without any issue.

  • Laura Thurston - Great product

    Couldn't live without this. I mean, I could, but life is just so much better when you don't feel constipated and bloated all the time. In my opinion, this one works better than the much pricier Sculpt-n-Clease. Great value and excellent product.

  • T. Bailey - Blew my mind.

    I'm in love with this deck, and it's become my new go to EDH deck when I play with family and friends. Was also very pleased to see it at prices that weren't hyper inflated, like they are at my LGS.