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  • Romeo Hawk - Average.

    No big deal. S/W manufacturing is boarder-lining the production and sale of moonshine. It is a robbery that you can't return things you opened and tried. Just like the movies and songs. And with all the agreements that S/W manufacturers are asking us to sign; it is extremely disgusting. The game is average; but, the fact that we can't return something we've tried and did not like; makes it a total waste of our finances. The core of a video game should be on how well the characters respond to the controls and how much fun the game is. The moment you put this game above the beginner level; you are going to lose; and it does not facilitate learning. Also, Xbox 360 nickels and dimes you every which way you turn; and they have too much control over whether you want to update your system or not. Of-course you can choose not to update; but, you won't be able to use the device. It's shameful.

  • Amazon Customer - No return after 30 days.

    Ran small. It was a gift so by the time we got around to returning it, the seller had a no return policy after 30 days. That was disappointing.