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  • Zacharia - Not up to contemporary standards

    Works in Windows 8.1. I had to save addresses in the address book in order for the program to find them. Entering a one-timer address search fails to find pretty much every address that I tried. I couldn't figure out how to default the map to Chicago; it kept starting in Salt Lake City. Directions from the saved addresses does seem to work. It does have all the streets in the country. I couldn't get any nice things like satellite view. It's functional at best. I expected to be wowed in 2016, but was not.

  • Duck Wanderer - It is a Miracle

    This works better than any other cream I have tried on my son, even prescription creams. They kept giving me scripts thinking it was so bad because of yeast but I knew it was just a very bad rash. My son was screaming in pain, he would not sit down on his poor butt, and he was walking funny. It was hard to see him in so much pain so I was willing to try anything and everything. I found out about Triple Paste on Dr. Sears.com and found some at a drug store pharmacy. It started working almost immediately. Within less than 2 days his rash he had for over a week that was spreading and bright red was gone. Even though this is hard to find and expensive, it is soooo worth it. I don't know why it's such a secret!!

  • ckott72 - Good, but tiny knife; Not a great sheath; Not a weapon

    This knife, while a handy little tool, does not fit the security bill. It would not be my first, or even second weapon of choice should I need one to defend myself because (1) it is too small and (2) it is too hard to see in low light conditions.

  • Bastian Ferreira - Decent enough.

    It does a pretty good job in helping with the healing process, but only after peeling is mostly over. You should still use Aquaphor up to that point. Also, this lotion irritated my graylines a lot. I had to switch back to the Aquaphor for those sections.

  • Carlos G. Aguilar Trejo - One of my favorites!

    Hey amigos! I'm veeeeeery happy with this device :) Very good price, excellent size, very good sound and I like the color a lot.