www.nanomed-ar.org Review:



NANOMED ar - La Sociedad Argentina de Nanomedicinas, Nanomed-ar, es una organización civil sin fines de lucro, democrática y abierta a todos los profesionales y actores de los diversos campos del conocimiento que hacen a la Nanomedicina como la química, la bioquímica, la física, la ingeniería, la farmacia, la biología, la biotecnología y la medicina.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -73.5747 Quebec, Canada

  • Lisa Shea - Save your $

    Hurts and have not seen a difference in my face. Feels like you re getting a little shock each time you use it.

  • Bigsing - Don't Expect a Miracle but they will kick start you into gear!

    I had a bad hangover this past weekend from too much Vodka and decided to take these the morning after. I took 2 and they did make me feel better although not a miracle 100% better!. I was too nervous to take them prior to going to bed. There is no after taste and the capsules are easy to swallow too. I think they are a little pricey, I give this product 4 stars

  • Keith Mckinley - Does not work well

    Doesn't really work. I replaced mine so that I wouldn't hit the original every time I went in the garage. Since adding this s barely get any stations.

  • S. Todt - It works for us!!

    This product has worked fine for us! My husband, age 70, has a hearing disability, but hearing aids are extremely expensive as are the batteries. We decided to try this product after reading an online post. This amplifier has worked great for us. No batteries -- recharges like a cellphone with a wall plug in that is provided. This is an excellent hearing amplifier for an elderly person who spends a lot of time around the house, or in the garden, etc. Background noise can sometimes be a problem, but for the price I recommend you at least try this amplifer before spending $1000's for a hearing aid.

  • MariPoza - Dropped 14 lbs. in 2 Weeks! It really Works!

    I was skeptical at first in buying this product, being that I had purchased HCG drops from a local vendor and had lost weight.