www.nopetaskforce.org Review:


Drug Abuse Prevention Programs - Substance abuse presentations & Information - Drug abuse information: Narcotics education, substance abuse presentations, drug abuse prevention programs, and addiction treatment services

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • judith - If you must spray, use Bengal

    I am generally against the use of any sort of harsh chemical. I care about my own health as well as the environment, and believe we should all do our part for the earth. However, roaches are not welcome in or around my house and are nearly impossible to eliminate without some sort of harsh help. My husband remembers his mother using Bengal when he was growing up, and his family regards it as close to a miracle. I had no bugs in my home for 18 years, until my neighbor apparently had them and hired an exterminator. Without fail, the day after their treatment, I would find roaches half the length of my pinky finger in the house! Eeep! They were running to my house for safety! I didn't want to spray, but didn't have a choice. This is where I can sing the praises of Bengal and recommend it for use. One spraying seems to take care of these creatures for a few months. I only know this because of the carcasses I continue to find. We spray the perimeter (outside), around the doors to the outside, in the kitchen and bathrooms, and in the basement. Our house is about 2700 square feet and just doing these areas seems to take care of the whole place. If you have a roach problem, get some Bengal, and you won't have it for long. I anticipate this taking several applications but am fairly confident that it will wipe out this hideous pest.

  • Wendy - Worked for spiders, but ants are still a problem.

    I put this in the master bath where I have a problem with wandering ants and daddy long leg spiders. After about a week of use, I didn't see any spiders so I'm thrilled about that, but after it had been in my bathroom for about 8 days, I did have some ants wander through and actually saw one walk over the device. Disclosure: I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest review.

  • HaroldnCA - Disappointed Uber Driver

    Very disappointed in these floor mats. I'm an Uber driver and I bought these floor mats to protect my car from all the filth that is tracked by countless people getting in and out of my car. The material is thin and flimsy. The back floor mats slide around. They do not grip the carpet in any way so they are constantly pushed up under the back seat. The fact that they are molded to fit the floor is nice but because the material is thin and it slides...they are constantly moved out of place and the plastic ends up getting bent and misshaped. Very unfortunate. I expected much better for spending almost $200.

  • luccasin - Just didn't work.

    My hairdresser recommended this product to me. I have very thick, decently wavy long hair that I have been dying blonde for about a year or so. I followed the directions and ended up having to use the entire tub on my hair when putting it on my dry hair. The smell was not a problem like some people have mentioned.