www.sgssls.sk Review:



Novinky | SGS - Novinky | Slovenská gastroenterologická spoločnosť - kolektívny člen Slovenskej lekárskej spoločnosti, Slovenská gastroenterologická spoločnosť..

Country:, Europe, SK

City: 19.5 , Slovak Republic

  • NeilH - One of the better video tutorials out there.

    Very good for beginners and intermediate users. The short video clips break everything down into simple and clear instructions that can be followed without too much bother.

  • Brantly Goodwin - How to get the most out of Excel 2010

    great manual to get one through the hidden bits of Excel 2010 that Microsoft does such a mediocre job of explaining. The manual comes with a downloadable set of files to work with and lots of great examples of how to get things done. I keep the book handy and refer to it every few days.

  • MsDFox - Nice.

    Turns easily. Nice fit to the hand. Fun to play because of the easy turning ability. You can quickly play without it sticking.

  • Megan - So excited to utilize this wonderful resource in my travels to Iceland

    So excited to utilize this wonderful resource in my travels to Iceland. I have filled the guide with bookmarks already!

  • Angela Arthur - Great detox tea set!

    Great detox tea kit! I absolutely love the little silicone tea diffuser that came with the set. That was a great item for the seller to include, so that when your set arrives, you are ready to get started.