www.topogen.com Review:



Topoisomerases, Antibodies, Assay Kits, Drug Screening Services from TopoGEN - TopoGEN is a research diagnostics company that provides innovative products and services for researchers working with topoisomerases and engaged in mechanism based drug discovery and development.

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City: -75.4083 Pennsylvania, United States

  • Hikari - Mer Without Der Surprisingly OK

    I came to Grey's Anatomy pretty late and entirely on DVD. Binge-watching series sets quickly over a matter of days instead of months meant that for me, the rollercoaster ride of the saga of Seattle Grace/Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital and its revolving cast of doctors, nurses, residents and interns was telescoped into a much more intense experience than spooling them out over a period of 12 years. The show has never been better or more captivating than it was during its first three seasons, when the MAGIC squad of interns (Meredith, Alex, George, Izzy & Christina) were les enfants terribles of surgical medicine in Seattle. As our interns matured into senior residents with the responsibility of mentoring up-and-coming doctors, the show began to cram in too many incidental/weakly developed characters and began to sacrifice a focus on medical drama at the expense of way too much focus on the sexploits of interchangeable interns who all looked and acted like over-caffeinated high school AP science geeks having a 'Work Experience'. Chyler Leigh's Lexie Grey, introduced in Season 4 was a rare exception. Mer's half-sister added some zest to the proceedings before perishing in the plane crash that also killed her colleague and sometime love interest Dr. Mark Sloan (the McSteamy Eric Dane) and prompted a change in the name of our titular medical center.

  • Andrea - LOVE IT!

    I am not going to lie, I did not know how to use this iron at all right away... But I went to their website and was given a FaceTime appointment with one of the stylists. She was very nice, and showed me how to use it correctly and now I love it!! I recently tried out the other Tyme products, like Zip-Tyme bags and hair brushes, both of which are very stylish and work well. Love my Tyme products!!

  • Doris - Great Goldenseal Root.

    This is a very good quality Goldenseal Root. We use is just like you would an antibiotic. It clears up sore throats, ears, bladder problems and it does not destroy your digestive bacteria system like antibiotics do. The Goldenseal ROOT is stronger than the LEAF so that's why you pay more for ROOT. It works better.

  • Pietro G Siciliano - Painter can't do THAT?!

    Lipstick on a pig still makes it a pig, or so the saying goes. No disrespect meant here - I love and respect all animals, pigs included.I don’t pass judgement harshly, but I feel this motto's meaning applies to digital art programs in general and to Corel Painter in particular.